Zia has been Mr. Smith's assistant for a couple of weeks now. The adjustment has been something to get used to, but she has managed to get it down. Her only real issue is how difficult Harry has been. He has been petty about taking her to and from work. Some days he'll drop her off early and be late to pick her up or vice versa. She knows her boss is losing patience but there's nothing she can do about it. Until she gets her own vehicle or moves out, or even both.
Zia was currently doing a coffee run for her boss before he went into a meeting. She was currently on the elevator going up to the 58th floor, when she arrived she walked right into her bosses office and placed the coffee on his desk.
"Thank you Zia. Please have a seat so we can talk real quick before the meeting," Mr. Smith said as he gestured to the chair across from his desk.
"Is everything going good at home?" Mr. Smith asked as Zia sat down."It's fine, why?"
"Just checking in. I've noticed you have been late a few times, so I just wanted to make sure everything was okay," Mr. Smith explained.
"Like I said it's fine."
"Ms. Malik, that attitude isn't necessary."
"Sorry sir," Zia apologized while staring down at the desk infront of her.
"While I'm in this meeting I want you to write down my schedule for the rest of this week and for next week. I may need you to change some things. Understood?" Mr. Smith stood up and grabbed his coffee, beginning to walk to the door.
"Yes sir, I'll get right on it," Zia responded as she stood up as well.
The two of them walked out of Mr. Smith's office, Zia behind her boss. Zia sat down at her desk while Mr. Smith continued to the elevator.
As soon as Zia sat down she opened up the document that contained what Mr. Smith had going on for the next two weeks. He had access to this document but apparently that wasn't enough. So Zia wrote down the dates and times of all of his upcoming meetings on a sticky note. On another sticky note she wrote down the dates and times he had lunches or dinners planned with other businessmen. She knew that currently he was trying to get a company on board with him, she didn't fully understand the details. She figured that part wasn't really necessary.
Once she was done writing everything down, she went and placed the sticky notes in his office, right next to his computer. After she placed the sticky notes down, she went back to her desk and sat down. She closed the document that she was looking at before glancing to see what time it was.
Zia realized she had nothing else to do. Her boss doesn't let her in the meetings with him. Zia's main job is to get him beverages regularly, make sure he knows when his meetings are, and anything else he asks of her. It becomes boring quickly when she is just sitting around not doing anything.Around an hour later Zia watched as her boss exited the elevator and stormed towards his office.
"Please come to my office Ms. Malik. And bring me a water," Mr. Smith ordered as he stormed past.
Zia quickly got up and grabbed her boss a bottle of water before walking into his office.
"Here's your water Mr. Smith," Zia said as she handed the bottle over.
"Did you do ask I asked?"
"I placed the sticky notes right there sir." Zia pointed to where she placed them.
"You went into my office without me in here?" Mr. Smith questioned.
"Yes sir."
"What makes you think that's okay to do?"
"I I didn't think you'd have a problem with it sir. All I did was just place the sticky notes down so you could see them when you returned," Zia said quietly.
"Unless you are given permission by me to go into my office. Do not enter my office, am I understood?"
"Yes sir, I understand."
"Good girl. You're dismissed, I expect to see you on time tomorrow morning." Mr. Smith couldn't help but let his dominant self show through.
Zia quickly left her bosses office and grabbed her things from her desk before scurrying off to the elevator. Once she got on the elevator and pressed the button to the first floor, she leant against the wall letting out the breath she was holding in. When Zia exited the building she was surprised to see her uncle's car infront of the building. Even more surprised to see Louis driving and not Harry.
"How was work babes?" Louis asked once Zia got in the passenger seat.
"It was work. I do the same thing everyday."
"But you like it right?"
"Yeah, it's alright. It's not to hard or anything. It's simple easy stuff that I do for my boss," Zia explained.
"That's good."
"Where's Harry?" Zia asked, used to only seeing Harry pick her up and drop her off.
"At home, I was already out and about so I offered to pick you up. He surprisingly didn't object, so here I am. Plus I know that he has been making you wait longer than necessary, which I have talked with him about. But he says he's not going to stop," Louis explained as he glanced over at Zia.
"If he costs me my job with his pettiness, I will seriously dislike him. My boss has already noticed me being late a few times. It can't become a habit. Why won't Harry just let me drive one of the cars?"
"I don't know babes, you'll have to ask him."
The rest of the car ride home was in silence, Zia not wanting to get annoyed at the wrong uncle. She liked uncle Louis, he was cool. Unlike uncle Harry, who was always trying to make her life difficult.
When the two got home, Zia immediately went up to her room to change into comfy clothes. Before getting in bed and laying down to take a short nap.*A/N:
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