Chapter Four

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I wasn't expecting my boss to bring a gun out when I told him what Niall told me.

"Not meant in the way that you are implying boss," Niall said after Liam finished his questioning.

"Then in what way?" Boss asked.

"He wasn't being serious, or atleast I dont think he was. He is a scrawny little kid he can't do much damage of any sort," Niall explained while he sat down next to Liam.

"So you don't know how he implied it. So we are going to pay them a visit," Liam said as he stood up and placed his gun in his waistband.

"What is this going to do? Absolutely nothing besides maybe lose one of our buyers," Niall said as he stood up.

"Are you questioning one of my decisions?" Liam asked.

"No sir."

"Good. You're driving. So let's go."

Boss got in the backseat while Niall got in the drivers seat and I got in the passenger seat.

"So which kid buys from you and which one threatened you?" Boss asked once Niall started driving.

"Louis buys from me, I'll assume it'll be pretty regularly. And Zayn is the one who threatened me, but I doubt he was being serious about it," Niall said.

"I didn't ask about your doubts. Do you know their ages?"

"They are college students I didn't bother to ask their ages boss," Niall said as he grabbed out his phone to send Louis a quick message that he was coming back. He just didn't tell him he had company.

"So they could be kids?" Liam asked when Niall stopped the car.

"They are college students, they are probably not much younger than us. Well they're probably much younger than old stuff here with us," Niall joked towards Harry.


"I can be." Niall got out of the car and led them to the apartment. Walking right in without bothering to knock.

"Honey, im home!" Niall yelled as he walked into the living room.

"Anybody ever tell you you're loud?" A unknown male said as they walked out of the kitchen. "Who the fùck did you bring into my apartment with you?"

"Zayn where is Louis?" Niall asked ignoring the questions.

"He is in the kitchen, we were talking when you decided to come in here like you own the place. Please do remind me what bills do you pay here that give you the right to be loud?" Zayn questioned.

"Feisty aren't we," boss said as he walked up to Zayn.

Niall and I walked into the kitchen leaving the boss with this Zayn character. When I walked into the kitchen I wasn't expecting to be stopped in my tracks by very beautiful ocean blue eyes.

"Hey Louis how are you feeling?" Niall asked as he walked up to the boy.

"Like shìt. Dont do drugs kids," Louis stated. "Are you going to introduce me to your cute friend?" Louis asked as he stared straight into the olive green eyes.

"Louis this is Harry. Harry this is Louis, looks like he wants to jump your bones," Niall said before walking to the fridge.

"Hello Louis."

"H-hi. And contrary to what Niall said I don't necessarily want to jump your bones but I wouldn't be opposed to it."

"And I wouldn't oppose it either darling," Harry whispered in Louis'ear.


Haii there!!!

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