"Y'know, I know my dad saw me and recognized me when we were at that event the other night. I felt eyeballs on me as soon as we walked in," Zayn said completely ignoring Liam's questions.
"Of course eyes were on you, you were with me. Everyone was wondering who you were."
"Obviously I know that you fucking pine cone. But this was different, it was like they were watching my every move," Zayn explained.
"Okay, stop washing your hands Zayn. Look up at me," Liam ordered as he turned the water off.
"What the fuck do you want?"
"You to change out of your bloody clothes, then we are going back to my place. Where we will have a very long and very thorough conversation," Liam said.
Zayn looked down at himself, "dammit this was my favorite outfit. Fucking stupid ass people, constantly pissing me off." Zayn mumbled.
"Mind moving out of my way?" Zayn said while looking directly at Liam."Excuse me?" Liam raised an eyebrow.
"Sorry I forgot you are blind and hard of hearing." Zayn rolled his eyes as he grasped Liam's upper arms and physically moved him out of his way.
Zayn walked into his bedroom and grabbed a pair of sweats out of his dresser and a hoody from the closet. Zayn quickly got undressed before putting the clean clothes on. He slipped on a pair of shoes and just stared at his dominant. Who was glaring back at him."I have no idea where you got all this audacity from but give it back before I whoop your fucking ass in more ways then one. Do you understand me?" Liam warned.
"Yes Liam, I understand you."
"We're talking in loud voices. Cool." Zayn rolled his eyes.Liam exhaled loudly before grabbing Zayn's hand and pulling him out of his apartment. Liam secured Zayn into the passenger seat, even putting his seat belt on him, before walking around to the drivers side.
"Couple of things, you are moving in with me, I'm washing your mouth out with soap when we reach home, then we will sit at the kitchen island and have a serious conversation. Am I understood?" Liam explained as he started driving.
"Yes what?"
"Yes daddy."
"Good boy."
The rest of the car ride was silent, when they got home Liam pulled into the garage. He silently got out of the car and walked over to Zayn's side opening the door for him. Zayn got out of the car, when Liam grabbed his hand and led him all the way into the master bedroom bathroom.
"Open," Liam ordered after he grabbed a new bar of soap.
Zayn crossed his arms as he opened his mouth. Giving his daddy a noise of disapproval when the soap touched his tongue.
"Are you going to stop swearing at me?" Liam asked after five minutes had passed.
Zayn nodded his head yes.
"Spit out the soap and rinse your mouth out. Meet me at the island when you are done," Liam ordered before walking out of the room.
Zayn quietly did as told before going back downstairs.
"Sit and put that on your eye," Liam said as he motioned to the bag of frozen peas on the island.
"Now let's talk. Where did you learn to fight?"
"My mom put me in self defense classes when I was young." Zayn responded as he put the bag of peas on his bruised eye.
"Why did you go out looking for a fight?"
"I didn't go out looking for a fight. I went out to party because I wanted to be away from you. My plan was to get shitfaced. The fight just happened."
"Because he mentioned my mother. Talking about how mommy would be upset that I was at a party. So I punched him in the mouth. He fought back and Niall pulled me off of him eventually. You were obviously called at some point. And then I fought Niall, but he egged me on."
"You're lucky Niall didn't actually fight back like he should've. You'd probably be in the hospital."
"He doesn't scare me. I can take care of my own."
"I'm beginning to realize that babes. Now let's talk about your dad."
Zayn groaned, "what the fuck else is there to talk about? I don't know him. He obviously knows we're together. Y'all aren't on the same team or you are? I don't fucking know and I honestly don't fucking care to know. Can we go back to him not existing?"
"Fine. I won't bring him up again unless necessary. But I will let you know that I am going forth with the deal I made with him."
"Fantastic, the amount of fucks I give is less than zero."
"Didn't you just tell me you were going to stop swearing?"
"I mean, well yes."
"Stop swearing before I grab the soap again," Liam threatened.
"Fine. Anything else we need to talk about?"
"Yes, you need a healthier way to get rid of your frustrations. Beating the shit out of others isn't the thing to do."
"Then what do you suggest I do?"
"Well you could always go to the gym and beat the shit out of a punching bag. Or sex is a great way to rid of frustrations and it makes you happy."
"I'll think about it daddy."
"Good boy, that's all I ask. Now come give daddy a kiss."
Zayn placed the bag of peas back on the island and walked around it to kiss Liam.
When they pulled away from one another, Liam looked Zayn's injuries over.
"Those are some bruised knuckles babyboy," Liam observed as he lightly ran his fingers over Zayn's knuckles.
"Imagine what that frat boys and Niall's faces look like," Zayn chuckled.
"I already saw their faces. Niall said he kneed you in the stomach and you still went after him."
"Well after I caught my breath yes, but you know that because you were there. And you pulled your gun out on me."
"Because you wouldn't stop pummeling Niall's face. I tried getting you off of him and you pushed me away. Therefore it was the only way to get you to stop and off of him."
"As soon as you felt the barrel against the back of your head you stopped. So I will not apologize for pulling it out on you.""Eh, it doesn't bother me anyways. I just wanted to know why."
"Now that you are relatively calmer, would you like to go cuddle in bed and watch movies?" Liam asked as he placed the bag back on Zayn's eye.
"Sure daddy."
That's exactly what they did, Zayn picked out the movies that they watched while laying on top of his daddy. The two eventually falling asleep cuddled up on one another.
Haii there!!!
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