Chapter Seven

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Zia managed to land a job as an assistant for this major company that was based all over the states. She wasn't going to start until she was eighteen and one of the requirements for her to land this position was she is able to travel with her boss anywhere and everywhere. Zero complaints. Of course it didn't take much convincing, money is money to Zia. But she did have a hell of a time explaining it to her uncles.


"I got the job!" Zia excitedly told her uncles. She had just returned home from her third interview.

"Congrats babes!" Louis matched her excitement. While Harry just sat there.

"And I get to travel." Zia was bubbling over in excitement with this new opportunity.

"Wait. What do you mean you get to travel?" Harry questioned, finally speaking.

"Oh uh. It's an assistant position. And one of the requirements is that I travel with my boss everywhere." Zia said while breaking eye contact.

"And when do you start with this "assistant" job?" Harry put quotes around assistant because he didn't believe it for a second.

"When I turn eighteen."


"Excuse me? I don't see you making money for me," Zia said while crossing her arms.

"You are not traveling around the world being someone's "assistant" Zia. How would Zayn and Liam feel about this?" Harry questioned as he stared at the teenager.

"Well I'm glad you think you have a say. I'm going to be an adult. I don't need someone telling me what I can and can't do." With that Zia turned around and stomped up to her bedroom.

"Why are you against it?" Louis asked once Zia had stomped away.

"Why would a grown ass man want a newly adult to travel with him as an "assistant"? Until I know more about this company and the person that runs it, I'm not going to allow it. Especially if she is under my roof," Harry said leaving no room for an argument.

"Y'know this is why she left Zayn and Liam's to begin with. They treated the triplets like children," Louis said.

"Not my problem Louis. Our job while she is here is to keep her safe. If we allow her to do this, we wouldn't be doing our job."

In the end, Zia didn't give a fuck as to what her uncles said she was going to take the job regardless. If that meant she'd have to move out, then she would gladly. She knows what she is doing.


Zaria has made the decision that she was going to wait till after her senior year to leave. Zayd left in the same fashion as Zia, the second Zaria told him her plans. Now for the first time ever in their, almost eighteen years, they are all separated. Zaria didn't know how to feel, it was definitely weird not to have her siblings by her side. She was under the impression, Zayd was going to wait until their eighteen birthday like he had told her, but he apparently had other plans.

"So when are you leaving?" Liam asked Zaria as she walked down the stairs.

"Who says I'm leaving?" Zaria responded while walking into the kitchen.

"I may have been born at night, but it wasn't last night. You three love following each other like lost puppies."

"Would you be saying this same shit if Zayn was here? Or do you just have balls because he left for a little bit?"

"Oh I'm sorry do you not like being disrespected? How do you think Zayn and I feel, with these childish decisions you three are constantly making."

"I don't fucking care. You're just mad you don't have control anymore. Now if you'd excuse me, I was busy," Zaria said as she pushed past her guardian.

"You are not going to get far in life, constantly having an attitude," Liam said as he walked away.

Zaria made herself lunch before taking it up to her room, where she could get peace and quiet. She was awaiting for Zayd to text her that he arrived in LA safely.


Haii there!!!

Here's a picture of who I see Zia's future boss being portrayed as: Mr. Ian Smith portrayed by actor Aaron Taylor-Johnson

 Ian Smith portrayed by actor Aaron Taylor-Johnson

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