Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Isa," Zayn said as he closed the door and started walking towards her.
He watched as his mother visibly paled at the sight of him.
"Long time no see mother."

"Where's my husband?"

"He is busy at the moment," Zayn said as he began walking towards his mother.

"What do you want Zayn?"

"To talk to you about your car's extended warranty. Why the fuck do you think I'm here?"

"Where is my husband?" Isa asked again.

"Dead." Zayn lied, watching as shock was written across his mother's face.
"And you're next," Zayn leaned in to whisper in Isa's ear.

He watched as tears began falling down her face.

"Oh my goodness no one can take a fucking joke these days. Calm the tears dude, your precious little husband is still alive." Zayn made a motion with his hand and everyone exited the vehicles.

Aubrey being one of the last to exit.

"Baby!" Isa called out as she began walking quickly to her husband.

"Aht;" Zayn put his hand out to stop her, " stay."

"Excuse me?"

"You know damn well you heard me woman. Stay, don't move."

The two of them watched as the entourage all walked up.

"Get your children somewhere where they won't listen to the adults talk. We need to have a family meeting," Zayn said spitefully.

Isa allowed everyone into the house, sending her kids upstairs.

"What do we need to talk about?" Isa asked as she tended to her husbands injured hand.

"I need answers. You're husband told us you killed my father. Why?" Liam questioned as he stood in front of Aubrey and Isa.

"He tried robbing me. I was getting money out of the atm when he ran up on me. He held a gun to me as he attempted to force me to withdraw more than what was already in my hand. I was able to grab my gun, that I kept on me, out of my purse and I shot him in the chest. It was self defense," Isa explained.

"Why would he rob you?"

"Well sorry Liam but I didn't strike up a conversation with him when he had his gun pointed at me. So I can't answer that."

"How did you two meet?" Liam questioned.

"I went out to a club one night with my friends, to celebrate not going to jail, and he was there. He bought me a drink we started talking. It ended with me getting pregnant, He wanted to help me celebrate my continuing freedom. That was what he told me at the time. Thus Zayn was born. Aubrey left when Zayn was two, he never once mentioned his gang or that he was trying to merge with your father. I actually only recently found out about all of that when he mentioned to me that he saw Zayn with you," Isa explained further.

"How did you not know about anything?"

"I was very careful who knew about what I do for a living. I didn't trust her at all at the time. So there was no reason to tell her anything," Aubrey explained for his wife.

"Why do you want to merge? How does this benefit me and my people?"

"Like I said before, there is no reason not to. We would instantly become stronger against everyone else, double what is sold and what we earn. And you can stop targeting college students," Aubrey explained.

"And if I say no? How can I trust that you won't just kill me after I agree?"

"If I wanted you dead I wouldn't have brought you here where my kids are. I would have put a bullet between your eyes back at the warehouse."

"Why are you alone? Where are your men?"

"I don't need them when I'm doing certain things. Otherwise they are usually with me when I'm out. If I'm out and they aren't with me, they are just a call away and they generally show up pretty quickly."

"How is this going to work?" Liam questioned as he brought Zayn into his arms.

"Agree, then we can start talking," Aubrey said as he sat back against his couch, Isa leaning into him.

"Fine. We can merge."

"Smart man," Aubrey said as he stood up to shake Liam's hand and clasp his shoulder.
"You are just like your father, making smart decisions."

"Meet me tomorrow at the location that I text you at 4pm. We can talk then," Liam said before walking out the front door. His men following him.

When Liam, Zayn, and Liam's men returned home he ordered his men to look up everything they could find on Mr. Malik and to tell him everything they find. He managed to get his phone number based off of his men's search. He texted him the location before throwing his phone on the charger and getting into bed with Zayn.

"How are you feeling babyboy?" Liam asked as Zayn laid his head on Liam's chest.

"I'm fine daddy. Just tired."

Liam looked over at the clock in his room and saw that it was six in the morning.
"Sleep baby." Liam gave his baby a kiss before closing his eyes.


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