Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Liam went quiet as Zayn stopped talking. He took a minute to process it before speaking.

"Did she say why?"

"Because you aren't going to be in my life long term. She doesn't want the triplets getting to know someone that isn't going to be around. She also had me sign papers stating I'd be legal guardian to the triplets if anything happened to herself and Aubrey," Zayn explained.

"Okay, we are going to speak further when the toddlers are in bed. For now, I have a few things I need to do. I'll be back later, okay?"

"Okay daddy," Zayn whispered the second word so little ears wouldn't hear him.

Liam gave Zayn a kiss before going to leave.
Once Liam had left, Zayn went into the living room to sit with the triplets. They were way to into the show, Paw Patrol, they didn't realize Zayn sat down next to them.
He let them watch a couple of episodes before turning the television off.

"Who wants to go color?" Zayn asked as he stood up.

"Where Liam?" Zia asked as she and her siblings stood up.

"He had to go bye-bye. Now who wants to color?"
Zayn grabbed out the pile of coloring books and crayons that he had for the toddlers.
He let each triplet pick out a coloring book, before placing the crayons in the middle of them to share.
Zayn sat back down on the couch and watched his younger siblings as they colored.

Zayn watched the little humans for a few minutes before grabbing out his phone to text Liam.

To: Li 🥰🦁💪
"So what else did we need to talk about?"

From: Li 🥰🦁💪
"I told you we will talk later. I'm busy right now Zayn."

To: Li 🥰🦁💪
"You literally just left. How could you be busy already?"

From: Li 🥰🦁💪
"Because I am. Now we will talk later."

To: Li 🥰🦁💪


Liam let out a chuckle at the last text message from his baby before locking his phone and placing it in his pocket.

"I'm going to ask you one more time, what is Aubrey's plan?" Liam questioned Louis. Who has still refused to talk.

"And I'm going to tell you one more time. I have no idea."

"Why do I have a hard time believing you?"

"Sounds like a personal problem."

"Out of all of the people in the world to betray, you choose your best friend. Why?"

"Money and drugs."

"That's a lame fucking reason. How do you even know of Aubrey?"

"Oh look, another question you're not entitled an answer to."

Liam brought his fist back before aiming for Louis' nose.
"I told Styles I'd try not to hit you, oops. Now answer the damn question."

"My parents owed him money. They let it spill I knew Zayn. I'm not in his gang, per say, I just do things when he asks me to. And getting him in contact with Zayn was one of those things," Louis explained as blood began leaking out of his nose.

"You do realize you're going to die right?"

"If it wasn't from the drugs, Aubrey, or you, it'd happen eventually that's how life works."

"You are correct it does happen eventually, now what is Aubrey's plan?"

"To get you comfortable around him and then he'll kill you."

"Okay." With that Liam turned on his heel and walked out.


The triplets were fed, given baths, and changed into their pajamas. Zayn was currently finishing up reading them a bedtime story. The toddlers were fast asleep by the time Zayn finished the story, he giving each of them a kiss on the top of their heads before quietly exiting the bedroom.

"You are so good with them," Liam whispered as he stood behind Zayn.

"Holy fucking shit, you scared me!" Zayn whispered as he spun around clutching his chest.

"Sorry babydoll. Let's go have that chat now," Liam said as he grabbed Zayn's hand.
The two walked into the living room, where Zayn began cleaning up the triplets mess. Once he was done in the living room, he went to the kitchen to clean that up as well. Once he was finally done, he sat down on the couch and looked at his dominant.

"We can talk now."

"I found out Aubrey's plan. Which means I'm going to have to move quicker with my own plan. Which will be easy. Your assistance has been greatly appreciated, and has made the process move along a lot quicker."

"What do you plan on doing?" Zayn asked.

"You should probably get ahold of my lawyer to make sure what you signed is legit. Once you do that let me know. But I have one question for you."

"What's that?"

"First, I want you to know that I love you. Like a lot," Liam said before attaching his lips to Zayn's.

"Took you forever to say it. I love you too. Like a lot," Zayn said once the two detached for air before kissing his dominant again.

"Now, do you want Louis to live?" Liam questioned.


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