"Let's go bítches!" Louis yelled as they got out of the car a couple of streets away from where the party was being held.
"I don't know you two while we are here," Niall said right before he got out of the vehicle. He waited until Louis and Zayn were at the house before walking to the party.
"You are drinking tonight Zayn," Louis commanded as he handed Zayn a cup.
"You go do what you usually do when you drag me to parties and I'm going to do what I do," Zayn said as he took the cup and walked away. He took a swig of it before deciding it was a no and tossed it.
He mingled around the kitchen watching his peers be drunk and make fools of themselves. Zayn drinks when he wants to drink not when he is practically forced to. Plus they needed a driver because who knows what Niall was going to do.
After Zayn walked away Louis went to go find someone to have a quick fùck with. He downed his drink quickly before he had made eye contact with another male. He cocked his head towards the stairs and the both of them went upstairs to find a vacant bedroom.
"Dude come here!" Louis yelled over the music when he had found Zayn after the activities he did.
"You need to enjoy the night, here," Louis said as he handed Zayn a rolled joint.
"Nice hickey. Are you high?" Zayn asked as he took the joint.
"Maaaaaaaaaybe, i might've did a line or two." Louis lit up the joint and watched as Zayn took a hit.
"Okay we are going home then," Zayn said as he grabbed the joint back from Louis.
"But the weed," Louis whined.
"Its all gone, now lets go," Zayn said as he handed it to some random person before grabbing Louis' hand and leading him out of the house. They bypassed Niall who nodded at them, finishing his sale before following after them.
"I gotta teach you how to party Zayn," Niall said as he got into the passenger seat.
"I'm good. You do what you do and I'll try and keep my bestfriend from doing anything to dumb or drastic," Zayn said as he began driving back to campus so Niall could get his own car.
"Forget about my car let me help you with him since I'm kinda the reason how he got the drugs he took," Niall said as he turned around to look at Louis.
"You're an idiot."
"Thank you. Super appreciated," Niall stated as he made sure Louis was still breathing. Since it looked like he wasn't.
When they got to the apartment, Niall carried Louis inside while Zayn held open the doors. Niall propped Louis on his side and they placed a empty garbage can next to him incase he needed to throw up.
"So what did you sell him?" Zayn asked as the two sat down on the couch.
"He asked for a small baggie of coke, so thats what he got. Well he got two cause he bought another one today. I'm not going to stop selling to him so don't try asking me to," Niall explained.
"You're still an idiot. No surprise there. So if you're staying you can sleep on the couch," Zayn said before going to his room.
"Do I get a blanket and a pillow!?" Niall yelled as Zayn shut his bedroom door.
"No," Zayn yelled back, closing his door and going to bed.
Haii there!!!
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