Chapter Three

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"What the fùck are you doing in my bed cuddling me?" Is the first thing Niall heard when he was rudely awaken.

"I was cold. You didn't give me a blanket or pillow. Now shush I'm sleeping," Niall responded as he snuggled further into Zayn's back.

"This is how you could get your áss kicked," Zayn stated.

"You would lose sweetheart," Niall warned while patting Zayn's cheek.

"You're an àsshole," Zayn grumbled as he got out of his bed. He went to use the bathroom before going into the kitchen to make everyone breakfast.

"Thank you. Your bed is warm," Niall called out.

"Oh well I wouldn't know since you decided to take it over," Zayn muttered as he opened the fridge door.

While Zayn was making breakfast a cellphone on the island was continuously making noise. He ignored it until he was done making breakfast and had it on plates. Thats when he got annoyed cause it was repeatedly ringing and vibrating.

"Turn your fùcking phone off or answer it," Zayn said as he opened his door and tossed it to Niall.

"Shìt. You didn't look at anything did you?" Niall asked as he unlocked it.

"No. It's none of my business. But it's extra irritating when it doesn't shut up. Breakfast is on the island if you want it," Zayn said before closing his door again.

He walked over to Louis' room and saw that he disregarded the garbage can next to his bed and was hunched over infront of the toilet.

"How are you feeling?" Zayn asked as he stood in the doorway of the room.

"Like shit," Louis responded once he was done.

"Well rinse your mouth out brush your teeth, I'll put pills next to your breakfast which is on the island. Come out when you are ready to," Zayn said before going back to the kitchen.

"Breakfast was amazing thank you. But I gotta go now. I'll see you again soon," Niall said before he left.


"You realize boss is pìssed off right?" Harry asked as he picked Niall up from Zayn and Louis' apartment. "What are you doing here anyways?"

"I went to a party with them last night. Got more clients and one of them I sell to often. His friend has threatened to kìll me if I hurt his friend and threatened to kick my àss because I got into bed with him. Fun night," Niall stated as Harry drove them to campus parking lot so he could pick up his car.

"So again you realize boss is pìssed off at you right?"

"He'll get over it. I'm doing what he told me to," Niall said.

"That doesn't mean anything to him and you know it. I'll see you at the bosses house," Harry said as he stopped right next to Niall's car.

When Niall got into his car, he made sure his gun was still in the glove compartment and he placed the money he had acquired underneath it. Before starting the short drive to his bosses house. He didnt even understand why his boss was píssed off when all he was doing was what he was ordered to do.

When he got to his bosses house he wasn't expecting to see him sitting at the table with Harry next to him and a gun on the table infront of him.

"So I heard somebody has threatened to kill you and kick your àss and you still slept with them?" Liam questioned as soon as Niall walked into his house.


Haii there!!!

Harry and Liam have been introduced now.

I hope you guys liked this chapter.

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Thank you

Love all of you


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