Chapter 28

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Not Edited

"Im not killing anyone David, at least not the living." Charles said.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Have you forgotten your place Charles?" David stopped and turned towards him." Is it because of the fucking girl? Yeah she's something alright but our job is to follow their orders now. "

" Get your shit together Charles." David said with a harsh tone. In reality David felt the same as Charles, but now wasn't the time for any foolish emotions.  The rest of their walk passed by silently.

Then the first door appeared.

David unlocked the door. He paused and sighed before widening the door and  walking inside along with Charles. Matt sat there in the new clothes of the corporation nervous and scared. 

"Hey...guys." Matt said uncertain of who to trust.

Charles was battling with his conscience.

I don't want to do this.

He thought with a sad frown since for once in along time he deeply felt the pain of someone else's suffering.

They said nothing and then Charles opened the suitcase. David looked at Charles and Charles sent him a glare. "You can do it but I won't be a part of, of this."

Charles crossed his arms and leaned by the door. David rolled his eyes and did what he was commanded.



He didn't follow his given orders entirely. He pulled out the gun and pointed it to Matt. "Please! No... "  He screamed followed with a sob." I...I don't want to die." He cried on. David swallowed a lump in his throat and kept an emotionless face.





Charles eyes widened and he ran to David's side. " What the hell David!" He punched him on his arm and David glared. " Lets go." David said. Charles was speechless. What could he do? Be angry? But it was, in the end, inevitable. "Lets go."

And like that they left to kill the others.



Luke. All. Dead.

And Kyle was now on death road.

They unlocked the door and walked inside. Charles had kept his promise to himself and murdered not one person. Kyle sat there and looked at them. He was now in his new boring white clothes.

Unlike the others Kyle was ready. He knew this wasn' t a slice of heaven and was prepared for the worst. When the door opened he was ready to fight for his life.

Once David and Charles were inside Kyle spoke to them. "I'm guessing you too will try to kill me. Aren't you? "

The two men stood tall, showing their superiority over him. "You say it as if we'll fail. " David answered with a throaty voice."A real man wouldn't murder people just because he was ordered to. He would go against it and try to save lives." Kyle stood and David raised his armed arm up to his forehead. "You shouldn't be so cocky Kyle." He paused and they looked at each other dead in the eye. "You're gambling your death. It was going to be fast and simple but now I don't know." 

Charles did not expect this and being curious he unfolded his arms and walked carefully towards David.

The air became extremely tense and they sent each other death glares. In an instant Kyle twisted his wrist and David's gun fell but in a reflex David launched a punch. Kyle dodged it and he threw a punch as well. That's when Charles stepped in and punched Kyle right on the cheek. 

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