Chapter 21

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Gerald's P.O.V.

Everyone was asleep as I speed walked to David. He dragged her by the wrist not looking back. He was going to a dark corner, getting further and further away from the moonlight. 

I walk in front of him and push him back saying " What the hell are you doing!"

He stumbles back and lets go of her wrist, but to my suprise he chuckles and speaks. " Well don't you see?" A sinister voice echos in the room."I'm putting her by a corner so she doesn't sleep by the window. You know, it can be dangerous out there. Someone may shoot the window and then poof she's gon-"

"Belt up David, cut the act. What the bloody hell were you going to do!" I yelled at him and the people stirred in their sleep.

"Back off will ya! I wouldn't hurt her, you think I would hurt her?! "He said offended.

"Yeah, I do. "I snapped back.

"Well then, you are mistaken. " He said reaching for Arriza but I slapped his hand away.

"You won't get near her. " I said stepping up and defending Arriza from whatever sinister plan he was going to do.

There was a moment of silence.

"Fine. " He said smiling and placing his hands up in surrender.

I just stared at him with deadly eyes as he walked back to his little spot.

I grabbed Arriza's arm and pulled her back to the place she was sleeping at with my available arm.

After situating her in her place I let out a deep breath and took one last look at her before heading back to my place.

On my way there I kept looking at David but all I could see was his dim legs laid out but his face covered in darkness.

I slid down and landed with a thump on the ground.

How the hell am I supposed to keep her safe now when the danger is in the fucking group.

I thought as I let out a sigh.

This time I didn't sleep.

I couldn't sleep.

How could I?

~The Next Morning~

A loud slam woke me up, making me jump in the process. I massive head rush hit me and I went blind for a few second after I stood up.

"Dammit" I muttered loud enough for only me to hear. My arm was killing me

After blinking several times to sharpen my sight, I realized almost everyone was awake and busy doing whatever they could in this boring place.

I turned my head to where the loud sound came from and it was from the large door. 

"Rise and Shine! Ye Ole sleepy heads." One of the guys that had night watch duty exclaimed walking inside like he owned the place.

I rolled my eyes and began to stretch as much as I could before my arm pain hit me.

"All of ye seem sleepy but why?" The second guy in nightwatch duty exclaimed.

"Calm down Bruce. I think we've all had a long night." Eric said yawning and rubbing his face.

"Well, I suppose so. Anyways all ye are okay and good?" He said trying to hide his scottish accent.

Everyone was about as awake as they could ever be. After a look around Bruce's eyes were staring in awe.

"Well I'll be dam'ed." He said staring in just utter disbelief.

As I followed his gaze I noticed he was looking at the new girl.

I walked by him  told him her name was Arriza then left.

I had bigger issues now. I have to find David and Charles.

Arriza's P.O.V.

After the loud noise of the door, I woke up. I felt a bit woozy and dizzy from yesterday, then all the memories came back bombarding me with mixed emotions and complete and utter disbelief.

I ran a hand through my red hair and stared out into space. 

Then suddenly a voice was breaking me from my state of trance. I looked around and saw it was a man around what I think my age, I'm not really sure.

He was walking closer to me and all I could do was look at him like a mad man.

"It's been years since I've seen someone like ye." He said in complete disbelief as he sat down in front of me cornering me.

"Uhm...Can I help you?" I asked in a awkward tone. In a instant he snapped out of his trance and put out his hand towards me.

"Oh sorry" he chuckled " I bet that was wierd. Anyways I was just shocked to see another redhead here . Haven't seen many lately ever since I moved here from Scotland. "

Huh,  Scotland. That's sounds really cool.

"You're from Scotland? " I asked with an arched eyebrow.

Then he smiled and took of his beautiful brown ascot cap to reveal a luscious head of red hair.

"Ye're correct. " He said with a smile while looking around.

" Anyways I should get back with him. " He said while pointing to the new man and putting his cap back on.

"I didn't quite catch your name. " I exclaimed putting my hand in the air to get his attention.

He turned around and walked backwards saying " Name's Bruce now if ye excuse me lad,  I have to go. " He said turning around and walking towards the man.

Sadly though my head slowly began to be filled with sadness and shock.

I had to get my mind of things but how?

Maybe spending time with my best friend might help cheer me up.

Gerald's P.O.V.

Phil and Bruce walked up to me with a hint of seriousness on their faces.

We stood outside the room and in the dim hallway.

"The other guys didn't make it did they? " Phil said in a chilling monotone voice, sad compared to his earlier mood.

I swallowed and answered by telling him everything that happened.

Everyone was silent.

"So it's basically their fault. " Bruce commented shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Without them we won't be capturing anymore biters. " I told them looking at them both in the eye.

"This is bad.  We have to get you guys out as soon as possible now .  There will be more out there now and we can't risk losing our only chance. "Phil said shaking his head and looking down.

"Have we enough supplies? "  Bruce asked uncertain of the answer.

"If used wisely, yeah I suppose so. "I replied scratching my neck.

"Then it's best we leave soon. Get things prepared. " Phil said walking back inside to the room, leaving us in the hallway.

"Let's go. "


And so their Journey to the CDC Begins! Ah, things gonna get so crazy now. People dying,  more and more walkers, TRAITORS!  Soon all will be revealed. IM SO HAPPY!  we made it to 800 and we're close to 900. My next goal is 1000. i hope we make it. 


P. S. It'll  be edited later on.

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