Chapter 12

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During the flight we were quiet. Nobody talked and we all just looked out the window avoiding eye contact. People were on their roof jumping on their houses trying to get our attention but we just, flew away. Our stop was 5-6 hours away and we were all feeling down except for Charles who seemed to be having a normal day.

" Why the hell are you happy?" David asked not looking at Charles but refering to him. Charles grins and it isn't the cute ones.

" Well if you must know...We're not going to the safezone of Canada." He said it clear and in full brittish accent while reading his book and having his glass of wine in his other hand.

" What are you talking about?" i asked as my anger meter kept rising." LOOK YOU NEED TO TELL THE TRUTH NOW  AND TELL US WHAT IN HELL'S NAME ARE YOU PLANING TO DO!" At this point I was getting really annoyed at how he can lie so perfectly and be feeling no shame at all.

David was seated by me and I was seated on the seat near the window while Charles sat across from us alone with the butler in the seat in front of him. The two 'body guards'-i guess-were standing straight and tall one on each side of the door to the  pilot's control. They had pitch black helmets that went with their suits making them look bad-ass but creepy at the same time. Everytime I would lift my head up from looking outside the plane I found one of them looking at my direction then after a while of staring he looks away.

David unbuckled his seatbealt and walked over to Charles side and punched in the face saying nothing more but " TELL US WHY YOU WANT US!" 

After the shcok of the punch Charles stood up with a bright red cheek and bloody nose saying " Why the bloody hell did you punch me you moron! I'm giving you a chance!" He yelled at David with strong clear words while covering his bloody cheeck. Soon the two body guards came rushing towards them. One of them got a hold of david and the other guy-suprisingly-turned to me with his gun slanted in his hold and standing military style as if to cover the whole thing. After they were done talking-I guess- the man stepped away and I saw David with sad eyes and when he looked up at me his eyes widened.

"What happened? What did he tell you?" I asked him turning to him and sitting on top of my left leg. Charles stepped up,cleared his throught and said " Arriza, all of this has a cure and me and my fellow team are trying to take it to a laboratory so we can create an antidote." At his words a smile appeared on my face then I asked him " That's great I mean you could've told us that before-" Charles cut me off " You're the cure."

I stared at him blankly, my smile was wiped away and i just sat there. " How do you know this? How can you be sure?" I asked him with my eyebrow arched. " I tested your blood the day we were in the house together." I looked at him with a confused,shocked look."Why didn't you just tell me before? i mean you could've told me,YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO FREAKEN SNEAK UP ON ME AND TAKE MY BLOOD." i was screaming at him right now and getting out of my seat to hit him but the bodyguard didn't let me pass. "Calm down," He said pushing the body gurad to the side and placing his hands on my shoulders."The reason I didn't tell you is because you weren't ready to take the news,I didn't want you to panic." i could see he was telling the truth the way he looked at me was just, wow. 

He began to get up and stood in the walk way." Your blood has a large amount of white blood cells than the avreage person even though you have no sickness whatsoever. This makes it highly strong enough to any disease." he pauses and takes a sip of his wine." the scientist in my laboratory  have already fixed all the components needed and they just need a blood type such as yours. That's why no matter what happens i have to keep you safe and take you to them." there was a pause and everyone was beginning to go back to their places." So, does that mean i'm immune?" Charles stares at me for a while and laughs at me " Oh i'm so sorry dear but you aren't that strong those walkers as you call them will kill you if you let them and make you turn if your lucky enough they didn't eat all of you." he begins to stare at me from top to bottom. " it would be a shame if that happens." he smirks and I stare at him with disgust.

About 15 minutes passed and a red light started to blink rapidly. 


This continued to happen until the pilot began speaking.

WE HAVE BEEN SHOT!ALL MOTORS DOWN! WE'RE GOING DOWN! " Then the radio was cut off and we could feel ourselves falling. My body was going up and i hung on to the arm rest strongly. At the side of me I saw charles dragging himself towards me. When he got to me he put on the seatbelt and grabbed me unlocking my seatbelt and put me on his lap, put his seatbelt on top of me and hugged my whole body and trying to put me under his arms. I braced for impact.




I woke up dizzy  as i took in my surroundings. I was laying on top of the window I once looked out from covered in blood and bruises. Charles arms were on top of me while the rest of his body was on the plane. He was still knocked out so i got up to find the rest of the people. I tried to get up but my muscles were weak and I kept shaking as i put force to get up. As I stood up my head felt worse my blood was getting customed to the different position i guess.

The plane was a wreck it had crashed on its side leaving a open space of the other side. I searched for David,the pilot the guards but found no one until someone tapped my shoulder. It was Charles and he had a serious,angry look that gave you chill. He pointed to where David was but this time he gabe me a sympathetic look and couldn't bare to look at me. I ran to David who was bieng crushed revealing only half of his stomach and up.

"David get up come on show a sign that you're still here." i was slapping him slightly on the cheek and moving him frantically. He showed no response,I sat criss cross style and checked his pulse. I felt nothing he is gone,for good and is never coming back.

I sat there still with my eyes wide allowing every tear to escape my eye. Charles stood behind me holding my shoulder. At that moment I knew the world isn't all sunshine and rainbows it's a cruel world out there and its up to me to control my  feelings with anyone i meet.  I will never again give my feelings away that easily. I stood up and faced Charles with a sad faces and he did the same.

The only survivors are :me, Charles, and the bodyguard. We all got together and that's when I realized we weren't alone.

"Well, Well, Well looks like we got ourselves some live ones fellas." The mysterious man said with his gun over his shoulder as he laughed and appeard drunk.

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