Chapter 24

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*not edited (in case you find mistakes) *

The group woke up to the quiet and suspiciously silent atmosphere of the library. Some yawned and others stretched but they all were tired as hell.

Kyle hunched his back and looked around. He knew he looked terrible but he didn't care. He counted how many of them were left.  For every person he counted he nodded his head so he wouldn't lose track.

Twelve, including him.

That's odd. 

He thought, since he was sure the only people they got rid of- killed he means - were Steve and Clayton.

Something wasn't right and he knew it. 

To not raise suspicion he stood up and walked around the library to see where the hell Richie was at. In the distance you could hear the infected and the fact that nobody was saying anything only made the situation that more depressing.

Kyle had walked from the far end of the library, to the front doors, in between the rows of books and to the walls...when something caught his attention. A terrible, horrible stench reached his nose. "The hell?" He muttered scrunching up his nose in disgust and allowing an expression cross his face. He looked around. The whole group was still over there, together, probably questioning his location.

Meanwhile Amanda was internally panicking for if someone finds Richie  they might reach to the conclusion that she killed him. Not an infection or-or being eaten alive. She tried to busy herself to not look  how she mentally felt. "It's moments like these that make me wish we could go back to our normal matter how much it sucked. " Clara said making her jump at her voice. "What? No! Our life was hell back then. At least we don't suffer the same way we did over there." Amanda told her stopping what she was doing. Clara let out a grunt and paced around letting her boots hit the ground as hard as she wanted.

"Two people are dead. One of them is missing and the whole world around us seems to be infected with a fucking virus Amanda! " Clara said yelling harshly to Amanda. Amanda didn't know what to say there was nothing she could have said. 

Wait...did she say someone is missing? ...

 "I'ma go walk around and try to get that fact out of my mind." Amanda told her giving her a small smile and hiding the true reason. "Wait, Amanda. I'm sorry."  Clara said in the distance but Amanda was already far gone.

She heads to the closet where she murdered Richie. The anxiety build in her as she gets closer and closer. She looks both ways before opening the door. It creaks and she curses it.

Richie. He's there!

She lets out a sigh of relief before picking him up .

" You didn't think you would get away with murder did you?" Kyle said as loudly as he could, given the circumstances, in a matter the factly. "Especially being that that was my nephew you killed." He said a low scary tone.

Amanda immediately froze.

Think fast. Think fast!

"I, I had  to...kill him. He would have turned." She said nervously.

At the hearing of what Kyle said the survivors began coming to the scene of the crime. "What's going on here?" Gerald asked but immediately stopped walking at the sight of Amanda holding Richie's dead corpse. "Then where's the bite? Hm. He had to be bit to turn Amanda. It obviously isn't in his bloody head because i doubt he just held it down to the floor just for biter bulls eye knowing we were in a fucking war with biters." Kyle said angrily and in disgust at her hopeless attempt to get away clean.

"" Clara couldn't say anything more being bothered and horrified at the fact that she murdered a living person.

The sight only made Arriza shocked and a bit afraid. If she is capable of this, killing a person in cold blood, what else is she capable of.

Amanda's eyes darted to everyone. She felt terribly guilty and ashamed. Her eyes began to water and soon she started crying. " What. Why are you crying? You murdered a person, a survivor. Don't expect us to hug and fucking forgive. You have no reason to cry or for that matter live."  Kyle said.

"Wait no please." Clara said but Gerald quickly spoke. " Oh please Clara. Who did you think set Maryjane and her kids' death sentence."

She stared horrified, eyes wide at her sister. " She used me for her own benefit." Gerald said with a clenched jaw as he sent Amanda a cold, deadly glare.

Amanda said nothing as she stood staring down with Richie on the floor. " That's it. It's time to go. " Charles announced. "Everyone pack up."

Amanda made a single step before David snapped at her." Hell to the fucking no. You seriously think we're gonna leave with you. For all we know, you would probably murder us in our sleep." This time Amanda felt something, fear.

" no No! Don't leave me here, I'll die!" She said scared out of her mind. "You're staying here and we'll leave with all of our stuff leaving you with nothing but what you have at your hold!" He steps closer and speaks in a low, harsh voice. "You deserve to die." He said not taking in consideration her feelings, why would he?

As a few guard Amanda so she won't run off, the others began their preparations to leave and be one step closer to the end of this. Some strap the duffel bags onto the back while others prepare for the unsuspecting surprises that might arise outside the protective doors. Phil checked his watch. "We better get going, it's better to be out in sunlight than in darkness." 

Clara had a deep sad feeling. She didn't want to leave her sister...but she didn't want to die either. She looked at the door then back at her sister. They were beginning to tie one of her arms to the old heavy computer to buy them time so that when they exit the building she won't follow them. "I'm staying. I can't leave my sister." 

Everyone turned and faced her with confused - some emotionless- at her. 

"Stay then. No one is forcing you to come with us." Kyle stated emotionless. Clara gave an unsure smile as she lowered her head. 

With that, only ten survivors were left still together. The objects blocking the front entrance were removed. They stayed perfectly silent  before opening the the door. Charles peeked his head through the gap and looked both ways before bursting the door open letting everyone run out and enter the car fast! Their steps on the pavement were the only sounds in the deserted area. 

Once inside the car they turned the ignition and left in that one car. " Next stop Arkansas." 

Arriza felt shamed and afraid, she left two surviving people there all alone with no supplies whatsoever. Afraid, because now she was the only female once again that is surrounded by men. She took a deep breath and thought.

...but if this is the worst to happen, I might be luckiest living person. 

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