Chapter 9

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"My name is Charles, what's yours? He said and he seemed just as strong and charming as David but i ignored that.

"My name is Arriza." I said then said nothing more i just glanced at him once in a while when he tried to talk to me.

But as I looked back at the ground something hit me.

How did he know my name before? I've never told him until now. How did he know?

I turned to look at him and that's when i noticed how he looked in the light of the sun. He had blonde silky hair that shined. His hair is in a messed up position and has green eyes. He was wearing a red/black long sleeve, button half up,work shirt you know the ones that have many squares designed on it and blue jeans with white converse. His sleeves were half up his arms while he carried the bag that was full of survival materials. He noticed I was staring at him  and that's when he said

"Checking me out I see."

"Shut up, idiot" I punched his arm and lowered my head to hide my embarrassment.

Suddenly while we were walking we spotted the things.Two of them to be exact, they didn't spot us and I noticed Charles didn't see them so i signaled him where they were.

"We should go around them."  Charles said putting his hand on my shoulder and walking to another direction.

" No, we should kill'em! " I said putting my mind into avenging David's death.

" No! don't" he said trying to whisper but i went near the thing to kill it.

The thing saw me and began making noises that's when i noticed there were more than two, four to be exact and they all saw me.

I couldn't  fight all of them and i couldn't go back either so i mind as well fight. I threw the axe over its head and cracked his skull as it tumbled to the ground with death in its eyes. Then in the corner of my right eye i saw another one coming at me then i quickly turned back and chopped its head off clean.

That's when I looked up after that and saw one running towards me and right as it was near my face a knife went through the walkers head and it fell to the blood-stained grass.

I looked at the direction the knife came from and saw it was Charles who threw it and he killed the fourth one too. I smiled and let out a quick breath of air but when i went to thank him he ignored me because he was concentrated on something else.

"Thanks, I owe you one." I muttered lowering my head because of my foolish action.

He looked at me with an angry annoyed expression but in a split second it was gone and replaced with a serious one.

"Calm down, lets just find a safe place to stay for the night." he said seriously in a monotone voice.

He looked up at the sun and put his thumb sideways and counted how many thumbs could there be until he met with the ground. each thumb showed you how many hours there was before night came.We had 5 hours left until night arrives.

We went to a house that was 4-5 houses away from where we fought the walkers. The house looked to be in good condition so we decided to go inside. Charles went inside first then i did, we searched the area very quietly and it appeared to have been deserted by its owner.

Although all of the supplies that were in the house were taken we stayed and just bordered up what we could.  We dragged a couch and put it in front of the front door then we put an old, wide, medium television on top of it. The place didnt have many windows and was only a one story house so we were okay.

After we where done Charles put the duffel bag on top of the table and searched for the city map. When he found it he cleared the table and put the whole map there.

We were on the affected area so we decided to get out of the city because if the government finds out they would put us in quarantine even if we are survivors. We decide to go the long way to get out of the state because if we went like in freeways or downtown it would be chaotic, there might be survivors but it would be infested with infected people.

" We'll go north until we hit Oklahoma. Its going to be a long trip but we'll be safe then." he said while pointing to the map.

" Charles how did David die?" I asked him as he  turned to look at me. 

"What?" He said nervously then swallowed making his Adams apple move."Uh-well-you know- by those, those things."

There was a long silence.

"Don't hide things from me." I said seriously as I noted his suspicious answer.

" He didn't actually..." He said scratching his head and looking kinda disappointed in himself.

" Wait," I paused, my anger rising "don't you tell me..." I threateningly said as my hands turned into fists.

" David didn't actually...uh... die." he said not being able to look at me straight in the eyes.

"WHAT! BUT THEN WHY DID YOU LIE TO ME. WHY WOULD YOU?!" I said trying my best to scream at him but at the same time be quiet.

"When we were in the other house, we found out that it had hidden door to go outside. It was open Arriza. Once they began to appear there wasn't anything we could do but fight. He stayed fighting the infected people as i took you to the room upstairs. I told him to hurry up and get to the room but there were too many of them so i decided to take you someplace safer. When you got down from the house I was still on top and that's when David came in the room trying to close the door to not let them inside. I was already on the rope and I just decided to get down from the house and he doesn't know where we are."

My eyes were getting teary as I looked at him at disbelief and shock.


He shut his eyes and made a hurt face, then quickly turned to me with flames in his eyes.


We were staring at each other when we heard someone at the front door knocking. But how? Biters can't knock unless they're...survivors.

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