Chapter 30

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Uniformed men were now in front of them.  They were getting closer and closer. 

Will this be... The end?

Gerald grabbed Arriza's arm and dragged her to the exit. They opened it but there were already guards blocking the exit. "No, fuck this!" David said angrily and punched one of the guards and Gerald punched another one until a small path was cleared and Arriza ran through it. When she passed Gerald and David stopped and ran as well.

"Shoot them!" Someone yelled but the three escapees where desperately trying to find the exit. Somehow the fear of being shot wasn't getting through to them. All they wanted was to escape. 

Suddenly guards and guards began running and shooting at them. "Turn left!" Gerald yelled after realizing where they were. They were getting close to the exit. "C'mon! We're getting closer!" He yelled. As they ran, the guards managed to catch a glimpse of them and began to fire.

Gunshots echoed through the halls and the consequences were inevitable. 

With a thud Gerald fell to the floor.

As the guards approached, Gerald was now in front of them. Laying on the ground with blood puddling by him. He was shot on his shoulder blade. When he realized he wouldn't be able to escape with Arriza and David, He just closed his eyes and prayed for them.

"Make sure he's dead!" A guard yelled and the rest kept going to catch up to the escapees. "Will do." The man responded and stood by Gerald's body as he saw them disappear into the distance. Then he looked down with an angry expression. He pointed his gun to Gerald and shot him, again, and again, and again. He went crazy for a moment, the joy of killing getting into him. Then he left to follow the others, leaving Gerald's over killed body left to rot for all he cared. 


"That's it. Dalstrip is going on lock down!" A voice in their walkie talkies yelled. 

Arriza and David could already see the exit when suddenly red lights began to flash and a wall of steel began to come down in front of the door. "We have to hurry!" Arriza yelled and she turned around to see if they could make it but something was wrong. "Where's Gerald she asked David?" As he turned around he noticed that he was indeed not there. "We have to go." he responded grimly as they stood by the exit. She nodded with teary eyes.

The steel wall was already half way down. The guards could already be seen. Quickly David took out his I.D. and gave it to Arriza. "Use this to get out." He told her .

With every passing second the door was getting closer and closer to the floor. She ran and placed the I.D. in front of the electronic pad and the door opened. She got down on all four and crawled to the outside. "Don't let them get away!"She could hear as she saw she made it out. 

"C'mon Dav-"

The steel wall made it to the floor and although the door to get in was opened all you could see was a grey wall with bolts. 


David turned around and faced the armed men.  At least she made it out of here...

He thought and closed his eyes as thousands of bullets were fired at him. He was shot without mercy and fell dead on the ground instantly with blood staining every inch of the exit.


As Arriza heard the muffled sound of gunshot she realized what had happened. She looked at the I.D.  he gave her and realized he gave her his father's I.D. ...

With tears in her eyes she ran across the barren ground towards the far away fence.  A few seconds later she reached it and climbed over it. When she jumped to the other side, all she could see was a forest filled with greenery.  As far a she could tell, there weren't any of those things wandering about. So carefully she made her way into the unknown and hoped she would find a safe place. 

While she walked through her stomach began to grumble. She was becoming hungry and longed for something to drink. Her shoes were covered in dirt and there didn't seem to be an end to the forest. As she continued forward her, her peripheral vision caught movement. She swiftly turned her head to see one of those things  was coming her way. She checked her pockets to see if she had any weapons but none were available. 

Quickly she looked at the ground and searched for a rock or something sharp. She found a semi-sharp stick and waited for it to come at her. But it didn't. It turned out there was a dead animal there and it was going towards it. 

Quietly she sneaked away from it and continued going north.

An hour passed and by then she could already see the moon. The sky was turning darker and she knew that nothing good could come from staying out at night. 

Suddenly she could see an opening. She saw the end of the forest.  

But once she was out, something terrible awaited her. She didn't know what to do. Not since this was in front of her. She stared at the view in front of her. 

"Where the hell did we fly to? "  

She said with worry as she stared at the crashing waves of the sea.

*not edited

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