Chapter 26

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Charles stayed quiet in his chair in front part of the jet. "You seem awfully quiet, mind telling me what's got your panties in a twist?" Arriza asked sitting by him. She tried to introduce humor to the tense atmosphere. Although it meant no change, it didn't mean Charles had no emotion. He put on a devilish smirk and chuckled while delicately punching her arm. "What? Are you tracking my facial expressions every second now?"

She put on a small smile and then looked down. "Do you think this virus will end and we'll all be able to get our normal lives back?" She asked not raising her head and facing the floor. Charles face was serious as he recalled the plan. He sighed "I think that we should take one step at a time then see where that takes us, for the better or for the worse."

She put on a small smile and walked back to her seat. Charles stayed seated and felt the guilt of having broken a promise. Which a way,... he did...he lied.

"So I'm guessing your boss threw a shitload of bad news." Gerald said sitting where Arriza sat before."You're not even suppose to know jack. " Charles retorted. "Well I guess getting the heads up of 'secret government information' is part of being a bodyguard for them." Gerald said with a side of sarcasm. Charles sent him a glare.

" The experiment will begin once we land in Dalstrip Headquarters." Charles stated a moment later.

Gerald face turned into a concerned one. He stood up "Just know,even if I dont agree with you...I made an oath." He stated without looking back at Charles and then walked away.

David didn't bother to go and talk with Charles. He sat on his chair with his ankle on top of his knee. Arms crossed and a serious look. It was as if he was looking into the abyss but his locked on gaze snaps at time to the direcrion of Charles.

David too knew about the whole plan from the start but he was a little more dedicated to it than Charles. In any minute, David thought, The pilot will lower the jet and everyone will get out. The whole group will think this will mark end for the..."escaped" disease....that it will finally be over. They,including me will enter the underground building where several body guards are hidden inside. Then BAM! Administratives from Dalstrip Co. will take Arriza away...and...they'll finalize their goal of the plan. The others, David chuckled at the thought and rubbed his temple.They'll get a front row seat to it all ... and then they'll suffer the same fate as the countless other victims of the virus.

David sighed and rolled up his sleeves. He was filthy, he couldn't wait till they arrived so he could go back to where he belongs.

1 Hour and 30 Minutes later⌛⏰

"We have arrived at your destination ma'm." The static voice of the pilot reappeared and everyone's, except probably 3 or 4 people, hearts' were pounding.

It'll finally be over!
Something feels off about this place...
Oh god I hope our lives get back to normal.
It seems too good to be true.

Those were just some of the thoughts the survivors had as they walked out of the jet and stepped on the hard, dull, gray cement. "We should continue to move quickly. There is no time to waste." Samantha declared and they moved alongside each other. The cool breeze of the outside felt so fresh, clean, and relaxing.

They realized at that moment that their bodies were terribly sore. Adrenaline from life threatening situations made them forget of the pain they walked with. It was that tiny moment that helped them realize how alive they were. Nonetheless, they continued on and entered a subway type of entrance that led underground.

Since the area the jet stationed at was securely fenced there was no virus threat awaiting them. That's why once they entered and walked down the steps, a feeling of safeness washed over them.

The mystery woman, Samantha, pulled out a white card from her pocket which had her information displayed on and pushed it close to a pad by the door.

Dalstrip Corporation

That I.D. card title caught the attention of more than just a few.

The small red bulb turned green and she grasped the metal handle, widening the door. Everyone got in with an extreme inner curiosity.

As soon as everyone was in, the door shut close. It left an echo sending a small shock to many. "Where do we go from here?" Kyle asked. He wasn't viewed as macho as he was before Gerald came along but nonetheless he stood tall.

"You may come out now." Samantha commanded with a evil smirk trying to stay hidden on her face. He squinted his eyes in suspicion and confusion and then a suprised expression crossed his face.

The whole group turned and looked around to see a bunch of men with black clothing, headgear, weapons and an emblem of Dalstrip Corporation on their right chest, appearing out of the twist and turns of the building.

"What the hell is going on here!" He yelled.

"Ugh, as if there weren't enough guys here already." Arriza said holding her hand to her face not catching up on the situation. Her mind instantly reminded her of the present danger and she backed up with the group as they all got closer together.

However... Charles, David, and Gerald did not. Instead they walked and stood by the mystery woman, Samantha, and looked at anything but the group, only sending glances at them from time to time. "All of you will be sent to different cubicles where you will be staying until we decide is fit for you to walk out. You will be given the opportunity to bathe and be provided with clothing given by administratives."

Everything was still unsettling because, at first sight, it seems like heaven but in reality something evil is lurking behind this sugar-coated land of darkness.

The group of unidentified people around them started to get closer.

"As for Arriza, you will be escorted to a special area away from the rest. "

"Wait, what?" Arriza exclaimed frantically. I barely even know these people and they want me to leave the closest thing I have to family here. "I'm not going anywhere without my friends. We came to fix this whole virus commotion, so lets not delay this and go together to end this monstrosity." She exclaimed hoping this will allow them to be toguether.

They began squirming as the strange men began grabing them by the arm and pulling them away from each other. Eric managed to escape their grasp and stood in front of Arriza. " We're not leaving each other." He strongly stated.

This made Samantha's expression change. Her face became cold, and lost of emotion.

" Get rid of him."





The gun was raised and pointed to his direction...

The man's finger placed firmly on the trigger...

Arriza scream was almost as if in slow motion as she scrambled to save him...

But he fell to the floor, life-less and cold. His blood spilled on the floor as Arriza as well fell to the ground with him, crying her eyes out. She kept repeating 'no, no' as she began to sob.

"You murderer! How could you?He was a survivor." She yelled angered.

Everyone was shocked and speechless as they stared at Eric and Arriza.

"You will do as we say or you'll have the same fate as this man. Understood?" She firmly said and the men took us away and seperated us from each other.

This isn't how I thought it would be...

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