Chapter 22

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Gerald's P.O.V.

"Everybody pack anything we might need for a road trip. Anything, okay." I sternly said walking back inside, last after Phil and Bruce.

Everybody turned their head and faced me with a confused expression. I resisted from rolling my eyes and began looking around.

I walked towards a duffel bag and began putting whatever was necessary like a bottle for water, food, clothes etc.

" What are you doing? Is something wrong?" Clara asked me.

I turned and faced her, shoving the now full bag at her. "We have to leave." I told her sternly.

"But why? We're doing fine right now, there's no need to go and risk ourselves." Amanda said speaking up for her shocked sister.

"It's true, there is no reason to leave." Eric said shrugging his shoulders. "Just," I sighed in frustration and ran my hands through my dirty hair.

"Alright, I have to tell you guys something really" I paused and chuckled "Something reallycrazy." They all stared at me like a crazy person, and maybe I was, who knows?

"Arriza's blood is the cure to this whole mess,"I paused. "well along with other components. " I mumbled then continued "Anyways, after everything is put together, anyone who takes it will be immune. "

I stopped to check everyone's reaction, since they all seemed alright and not out of their mind I continued. "Any scratch or any bite won't matter anymore. All we'll have to do is clean it, and fix it and wait to get cured instead of getting scratched or bit and wait to die and turn. And it might help cure the infected as well. Of course not the ones who are really messed up "

"Why do we have to leave? Can't you just do that here and now." Amanda asked once again.

I looked at her and words can't even explain the feeling I'm feeling right now. Who the hell does she think I am. I'm just a bodyguard. I don't fucking carry on-the-go-lab on my back.

"Because we have to take her to a lab at the C.D.C. so a scientist can fix up the recipe for the cure and get this whole virus thing over with."

The whole room was silent with a few glances hitting Arriza. "Well, let's get packing then." Charles abruptly said clasping his hands together.

"Let's just get this thing over with then." One of Charles's group member said putting on his denim vest with hoodie attached.

An uncomfortable silence fell upon us as we all began to pack our stuff and I could see from my peripheral vision that Arriza was uncomfortable. I mean who wouldn't be? Imagine being in her shoes.

"Should we still wear these?" Clara asked, breaking the awkward silence. I looked up and saw she had in her hands medical breathing masks. The type Doctors wear when they're working on surgeries.

"Yeah, just to make sure." I said with a shrug. Because i mean it's true who knows, it might be airborne.

After everyone was ready with their bags and clothing we headed off, but something wasn't going well with me.

We decided to go in two different cars. Charles, David, Arriza, Eric, Luke, Steve, Clayton and I were in going in the car that came from Charles's house. While Kyle, Matt, Clara, Amanda, Richie, Phil, and Bruce went in my group's truck.

But something was bothering me, I just couldn't put my finger on it.

"Ha ha! Bruce you have to go in the back of the truck by the tailgate." Amanda said giggling behind her breathing mask.

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