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The next morning...

"Lily... LI-lyyyy!" I heard someone softly calling my name. I tried to open my still sleep-heavy eyelids, but I was just to tired from the day before.

"Lily! Time to go to school!" the voice sounded like one of the caretakers here, Ella.

:Ella, I don't want to. There are mean people there." I groaned.

"Nonsense, honey, you just need to make some friends!"

"But I can't!" I protested.

"Sure you can, just try today! Besides, it's the last day before the weekend! Yay!" Ella said in an attempt to cheer me up.

I groaned and rolled out of bed, donning the same outfit I had worn the first day of school. To be honest, it was my best looking outfit out of the two I had. I ran a brush through my hair, the hair that had been the downfall of me. My chances of having a normal life, anyway.


Later at school, I was sitting in Math class, trying to take notes, when the boys that sat behind me threw something at the back of my head. I turned and picked a crumbled up piece of paper up from the ground. I smoothed it out and looked at the writing on it.

"Why are you still here? Why don't you just go die in a hole? No one will cry! Beat it, Colour Girl. >:)"

Ouch. The note felt like a punch in the gut. It made it hard to breathe.

Tears welled up in the corners of my eyes, and I blinked quickly to get rid of them. A boy sitting next to me hissed, "Aw, poor baby's crying! Haha, weak!"

I simply stood up, asked the teacher if I could use the restroom, and tried not to run out. I tossed the note into the recycling bin on my way out.

I ran down the hall, tears blurring my vision. That was it. I didn't matter. Even the teacher gave me looks like I was stupid when I didn't know the answer to a question. He wouldn't  even notice if I didn't come back!

I ran all the way out the back door of the school, not caring where I went. I just ran blindly, knowing I couldn't go back to the orphanage. If I turned up early, Ella's supervisors would kill me!

I felt a drop of something cold and wet on my head, and I looked up. The sky was covered with ominous dark clouds, and water had started to pour from them.

Lightning split the sky, and I ran off the campus along the road, getting soaked by both the rain and by the waves sent at me each time a car drove by. My feet began to feel heavy, but I jogged along. I didn't really know where I was headed, I just wanted to go until I couldn't anymore.

My foot caught on a rock and I slipped. I fell face- first into a ditch filled with mud. I tried to get up again, but a searing pain burned through my ankle. So I just sat in the ditch, hugged my knees to my chest and cried, hoping that this wasn't real. Hoping that I would wake up with friends and everything would be okay.

But it wasn't okay, so I just closed my eyes shut and cried, hard, waiting for the rain to stop.


Aww. Made me cry writing it! :'( What do you think's gonna happen?

I'll update as soon as this book gets, um... FIVE reads! Oh, I'll write, you'll just have to wait for me to publish it MWAHAHAHA >:)

xx Amanda

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