Chapter 21

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The lads were all waiting expectantly in the main hall when we arrived back.

"So I heard you can sing?" Harry said coyly, quirking an eyebrow.

"I'm all right, I guess..." I looked at the ground, my hair sliding to cover up my face.

"Rubbish!" Perrie argued. "She's amazing."

Louis jumped up from his seat on the couch. "SHE MUST SING!!" He yelled.

"And sing she shall!" yelled back Dani.

"I don't know guys..." I said, uncertainty coating my voice.

"Come on!" Niall coaxed.

Finally, I relented. My hands shook when I sang, but I managed to make it through the first chorus.

Louis stood up abruptly. Oh, no, he's leaving! I thought. I was that bad! I noticed the other boys had tears in heir eyes, I was so bad.

My own eyes filled with the salty little devils, and I ran right up to my room out of sheer embarrassment.

At least, I tried. I made it to the top floor and immediately got lost.

"LILY!" Zayn called. "Come back!"

I gave up trying to find my room and darted to the one at the end of the hall. I dove onto the bed that was inside it. It was most definitely one of the boy's rooms, because clothes and other junk was strewn about.

Zayn poked his head inside. The other boys followed quickly behind. "Why'd you run away?" he asked.

"Because I was so terrible, I made you cry. That's why." I mumbled into the pillow."

"Where on bloody earth did you get that idea?!" Zayn said incredulously.

"I saw your faces." I said dully.

"Lily." Zayn sighed, walking over to the bed and putting a hand on my shoulder. "I swear that I'm being honest here. That was the best singing that I have EVER heard from a 13 year old. You have no reason to be afraid!"

"But I'm your little sister, you have to say that."

"But I don't have to mean it. And this time I do." Zayn replied sincerely.

At this point, the other boys had sat around the bed.

"Hey, this is like Goldie Locks and the Three Bears." I said suddenly. "Except I'm not completely blonde and there're five of you."

The boys gave me an odd look. "Never thought about that..." Niall said contemplatively.

"You know, I don't think I ever said this but..." I gathered all my courage. "Thanks for, you know, adopting me and stuff. You didn't have to do it. "

The lads grinned and tackled me in a big group hug. "GUYS!" I gasped. "Can't breathe!"

The tumbled off of me one at a time. "Sorry," Zayn said sheepishly.

"Now how about some food?" Niall asked.

Uh- oh.

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