Chapter 27

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All too soon, the day arrived when I would have to wake up early, don my maroon and gold uniform, and enter a whole new school. It was a good thing really. A fresh start.

My feet tapped the carpet beneath me, gazing thoughtfully at my closet. I finally picked the standard plaid skirt, grey tights, white polo and the maroon blazer embroidered with the school crest. I braided my now-plain blond hair with a matching maroon ribbon.

My black flats finished off the outfit, and I marveled at how, for once, I didn't feel inferior because of what I was wearing or where I came from. After all, Bri always said she hated me because I was weird, and that I was an orphan, so I deserved to be beaten. My elementary school teachers never noticed, and middle school teachers didn't care.

I put those depressing thoughts out of my mind and skipped down the spiral staircase to breakfast. I was getting a bit better about eating, but I still saw the worried looks on their faces.

"Relax!" I giggled, stuffing a pancake in my mouth.

"First day of school today, better eat up!" Zayn commented.

I nodded, checking my small black shoulder bag. I kept the boys from buying me a coach bag that probably cost more than college. My point was to blend in, be a more... Reachable person. The last thing I needed was something setting me apart.

Liam had volunteered to drive me to the school, so when everyone had eaten, they all loaded into an unassuming SUV. A big white van wasn't the greatest choice to drive up to a building full of children in. I shuddered at the thought.

"Here we are!" Liam announced, slipping on his sunglasses. We'd all agreed to keep my living situation on the down-low, so I could just focus in school.

I bade goodbye to Harry, Niall, Louis, and Zayn in the car, and left with Liam toward the large double doors.

A thin woman in a gray business suit greeted us inside the main office. "Hi, how may I help you?" she smiled.

"Hi, this is Lily." Liam replied, laying a hand on my shoulder. "Do we need to sign in or anything?"

The woman smiled larger, showing her pearly- white veneers. "Nice to meet you! I'm Sherry, the receptionist. I'll make sure you have everything you need!" She rifled through a drawer and pulled out a paper. "Here's your schedule, and just step right over here and we'll put your picture on your photo id." Her voice was a but too peppy for my taste, but I never showed anything.

Sherry picked up a small circular camera and set off the flash, and seconds later a machine printed out a thick plastic card with my name and grade level on it. "You're all set! I'll just show you to your first class."

I nodded, hugging Liam goodbye. "Good luck!" he whispered softly.

Butterflies erupted in my stomach. "Thanks," I replied. The receptionist led me away, through the metal doors and onto the linoleum- tiled floor. "Let's see," she speculated, peeking at my schedule. "Science? Lovely!" Her platform heels clacked through the crowded halls. Her blonde hair never moved an inch, though. Students everywhere stared at me like I was an alien. I tried smiling in a friendly way, but all I got was glares in return.

The flooring changed to tan carpets, silencing the receptionist's heels. "Here we are!" she said, making that the second time I had heard that phrase today. I thanked her and stepped back onto the tile, searching for an open desk. I picked one near the middle, where all of the girls all seemed to be gathering. I started to introduce myself, but then I heard about what one of the girls was saying.

"-the new girl? Oh, yeah. I saw her. She walks around like she owns the place! What an attention hog."

My eyes widened in disbelief as all of the girls just laughed. The speaker tossed her head, her glossy brown hair hanging in ringlets down her back.

No, she couldn't be talking about me. I cleared my throat to get the group's attention. They turned to face me, and the brown- haired girl smirked, turning up her nose. "Oh. You." she said simply.

"Tell her, Lottie!" another girl laughed, sending the whole group into giggles. Lottie tossed her hair and sat back down, applying another coat of lip gloss like nothing had just happened.

Oh, yeah. It was me.


I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while! I've been really busy and my grandpa just recently passed away. {It's ok, really! He was sick for a long time. It's better for him this way! Now he's racing his Corvettes in Heaven. ;)} but I'll try to get back into the swing of things!

Xx love you all :)

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