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Harry's POV


"Driving in the rain, we are driving in the rain-"

"Louis, just shut it, will ya?" Niall asked.

"What? We are?"

"Yeah, but you don't really need to-" 

"BOYS!" Paul interrupts from the front seat. "Both of you, just BE QUIET!"

Both boys pressed their lips together and looked away from each other. 

We were driving down a dark road, framed by a forest on each side and a ditch filled with mud on the right. Our van was the only car on the road.

Suddenly, Paul cursed loudly as the tires slipped. Our car skidded off to the side of the road. 

A small figure was illuminated in the glare of our headlights. 

"Watch out!" Liam screamed. Paul yanked the wheel in the opposite direction, narrowly missing the girl and scraping into a tree instead. 

After a moment of silence, Paul turned  away from the windshield, which was webbed with cracks, and asked us if we were OK. 

"We're fine." I said quickly. "But who was that girl?"

"I don't know." Paul said gruffly. "Let's get out of here! This place is creepy."

"We can't just leave her!" Zayn argued. 

"Actually, we can. It's not that hard. We just put this thing in drive-"

Just then, Niall started to moan. "Owww, my head! Paul, I think I'm gonna be sick!" 

"Not in the car!" Paul wrenched open the door on Niall's side and dragged him out. Niall turned and gave me a thumb's up, then when Paul looked back, he grimaced and started moaning again. 

"Let's go!" Liam whispered urgently. The rest of us got out the other side of the car and walked cautiously over to the little girl. 

When we got closer to her, we saw that she was young, maybe 12 years old. 

"Um... hello?" I said to her. I honestly wasn't sure if she was still alive. 

The littler girl lifted her head suddenly, and all the other boys jumped back. They seemed repulsed by everything about her, from her soiled blue boots to her coloured hair. I felt strangely drawn to her, I wanted to help her.

"Where am I?" she said, her blue eyes the colour of ice were wide with terror. 

"Calm down. It's all right." I said. I crouched down in front of her, at eye level. 

"W-who are you?" she asked.

"My name is Harry. What's yours?"

"L- Lily." the girl said simply. 

I tried to take her hand comfortingly, but she flinched back at the contact. 

"Lily, do you have a family you need to get back to?"

Lily's eyes filled with tears, and I immediately wished I could take it back. She shook her head.

"Where do you live?"

"Why should I tell you?" Lily's voice still shook. 

"It's OK. I'm not going to hurt you. I promise." The other boys had started to approach as well.

"Hi, I'm Liam." Liam bent down beside me and opened his arms. Lily flinched again.

"It's OK." Liam said softly.

Slowly, Lily leaned forward and hugged him. Liam folded her in his arms and smiled. 

"So where DO you live?" I repeated. 

"Um... the orphanage across town." Lily admitted. 

Liam and I exchanged looks. A 12 or 13 year old who lived in the orphanage across town? This must've been fate. 

Just then, Paul stomped over. "Boys! What did I tell you?" 

"That it was easy to drive a car?" Louis suggested.

"No I- well, you were supposed to stay in the car!" 

"Zaynie, do you remember that?"

"No, Boobear, I do not."

"Sorry, Paul. We had to help her!" 

"Fine. Whatever. Let's go." Paul turned away, but stopped in his tracks. "And tell her to go home."

"She doesn't have one." I said simply.


"I SAID, she doesn't have one!"

"So, take her to a homeless shelter or something, I dunno. Now come on, we're leaving."

I reached out to take Lily's hand, and stood up. She grabbed it and stood beside me. "Paul, she's the one. What are the chances of finding a girl just like what Simon wanted on the side of the road?"

Paul lowered his shoulders in a heavy sigh. "Fine. It's your choice."

Lily looked up at me with her big sad eyes. "What do you mean, ' I'm the one '?"

"Well, we were driving to the orphanage to find a girl to adopt."

"All of you?"

"Yeah, long story. Point is, the person that sent us wanted a 12 or 13 year old girl, and I think it's fate that we found you and that you live in the orphanage we were already going to." 

"Oh. So you're going to adopt me?"

"I guess so. What do you lads think?" I asked. 

"I think it's a great idea." Zayn replied. 

"Me to," added Liam.

"Me three," said Louis. 

Niall plodded over through the mud. "You know, Paul, I'm feeling much better now." he said cheerily.

"Oh, you boys..." Paul said wearily.

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