Chapter 18

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The lads and I stepped over the threshold of their incredible mansion.

"Home, sweet home." Liam said happily. "We've got a large room upstairs that we don't know what to do with. You can have it, if you want. It's kind if grey, though I'm sure we could find some paint, and maybe some new sheets and a t.v. And-"

"I'm sure it's fine, Liam." I interrupted. The way he rambled was kind of cute.

We trekked up the first staircase to the large spare room. It had a large window on the far wall, with thin white sheers draped over the window. It had mo furniture except for a small box in the corner.

"What's in here?" I asked, opening the flaps of the box. It was filled to the brim with old vinyl records, but no player.

"Nah, they're useless." Harry said dismissively.

"Hm..." I was starting to form an idea, but I had no supplies.

Liam's phone beeped. He pulled it out, looking at the screen for a moment, before pushing a button and holding it to his ear. "Hello?" he said into the receiver. "Oh, yeah, actually. Big news." A pause, then, "Yeah, it's better if you come over and see. "I'll text you in a minute, babe. Bye."

"That was Dani. She wants to come over." Liam said after slipping his phone back into his pocket.

"Who's Dani?" I said inquisitively.

"Liam's girlfriend!" Louis crooned.

"Shut it." Liam muttered, his face turning red. "She's bringing El and Perrie too."

"Who're they?" I asked. "Wait, lemme guess. More girlfriends?"

"Right you are." Harry replied. "Louis' and Zayn's, respectively."

"Tell them to bring a bunch of paint and stuff. " I commanded.

"Why?" asked Harry, cocking his head.

"No reason..." I grinned mysteriously.

Liam nodded in response and tapped the keypad of his phone a few times.

"All good. They'll be her in a few minutes. They were just driving through that town we passed." Liam said. 

"Hey, Liam?" I said quizzically. 

"Yes, Kitten?" he replied. 

"Where's Niall?" The lads and I looked around the room, but saw no blond Irish boy. 

"Here I am!" Niall called breathlessly. He had hauled all of the bags up the stairs himself. He dropped them in my room and collapsed on the floor, breathing heavily. "Thanks for the help guys." he muttered. 

"You didn't ask for it. Besides, we only needed the bag with Lily's surprise in it." Liam chuckled. 

"You could have told me that earlier!" Niall groaned.

Zayn rifled trough on of the bags from the Apple store. Funny, I didn't remember shopping there. He pulled out a small white rectangular box and motioned for me to open it. 

I pulled the lid off. Inside lay a shiny, brand new white Iphone. My eyes filled with tears. "You didn't have to-" I started, but Louis cute me off. 

"Yes we did. We need to keep in touch with you at all times. Also, we thought you'd like it." He grinned. 

The lads helped me set the phone up, put in their numbers, and even configured a Twitter for me. 

"What's this for?" I asked. "It's not like I have any friends!" 

"You never know. Plus, we can keep track of each other this way." Liam explained. All four of them followed me with their accounts. 

"We can't respond to anything you tweet us just yet. We haven't fully made an announcement yet, and we don't want any rumours. If we tweet you like we know you, people will get suspicious." Harry added.

"Got it." I replied. 

Just then, the doorbell rang, and the boys thundered downstairs. Liam threw open the front door. There stood three very, VERY pretty girls. I suddenly felt small and insecure, because I knew I wouldn't ever be as pretty as them.

"DANI!" Liam yelled happily at a girl with a hurricane of bouncy brown ringlets. 

"Li Li!" She yelled back. I stood and hid my thin frame behind Niall.  

The other two girls entered the room and hugged their boyfriends lovingly, whilst I tried to make myself scarce. 

"So what's the surprise?" Dani asked, looking up at Liam. 

"Well, how do I say this... We adopted a kid."

All three girls squealed and jumped up and down. "Can we meet her? Please?" Another girl, with short blonde hair, blinked her long eyelashes at Zayn, who had his arm draped around her shoulders. 

"She was just here..." Zayn looked around, and I shrunk even farther behind Niall. 

Niall, however, wasn't going to have it. He stepped aside and introduced me with an extravagant sweep of his arms. "This is Lily."

The girls beamed at me. "She's so pretty!" The blonde one said. 

The one with curly hair and sparkling brown eyes approached me. She radiated happiness, something that made me want to leave the scene even more. "Hi, I'm Danielle, but you can call me Dani." I attempted a smile.

Louis's girlfriend untangled her fingers from his and stood next to Dani. "I'm Eleanor, but everyone just calls me El." 

Last came the blonde girl. "I'm Perrie, but I just go by Perrie." She grinned. 

I laughed a little. The fact that they seemed nice made my worries about my looks melt for the moment. 

"We HAVE to take you shopping!" Dani said excitedly. 

"But I just went shopping!" I said. "Besides, I haven't slept for quite a while. Can I at least take a nap before we go?" 

Dani smiled apologetically. "Of course, love. Get some rest, then we can take you to some REAL shops." She winked. 

Louis turned and put his hands on Harry's shoulders. "Did you hear that Hazza? They think I don't know where to shop!" He gasped dramatically. 

Harry returned the gesture, yelling, "It's OK Boobear, you're gonna be ok!"

"My heart..." Louis whined. "It hurts!" Both boys dropped to the ground with shut eyes, sticking their tongues out for effect. 

"Oh brother..." El put a hand on her forehead. 

"Let's get you to bed, Princess. We can move the couch in the game room upstairs to your room, if you'd like." He picked me up bridal style, my head leaning on his chest. I was slowly lulled into a half- sleep by the steady, comforting beat of his heart.

The girls followed Liam and I to my room, where the others had already placed the couch. 

He laid my head gently on one of the downy- soft pillows, wrapping me in the blanket I had used earlier, tucking it under my chin. 

"Get some sleep, kitten." he said, kissing my forehead. 

The boys left, leaving only El, Perrie, Dani and me. Perrie sat on the very edge of the couch, stroking my hair. She sang softly to me. She has a beautiful voice, I thought vaguely. Soon after, I drifted off into a peaceful sleep.


250 reads in the morning... 270 this afternoon... 290 now! OMG asdkfhglsdfhsfhasjfdhasjfjkl DEAD!

xx Chanel

Just edited this book for all the typos. SO MANY! I promi I'm a good speller! I won the spelling bee back in fifth grade, and I can spell pneumonoultramicroscopicsiliscovolcanoconiosis without spell check. Like a boss. XD

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