Chapter 24

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Weeks passed after the "incident". I was given time to adjust, settle myself in before Simon made the announcement about... well, me.

Finally the day came, the scheduled press conference where I would answer whatever questions reporters threw at me.

And I was a complete stressball.

A hired stylist dressed me in a quirky white top made of flowy white material that fell of one shoulder and had golden- looking spikes on the other. I also donned a pair of black skinny jeans and some snakeskin- toe flats. My hair was curled into thick ringlets that fell down my back, the color almost faded completely.

Before long, I was standing behind a thick curtain that hid the throng of reporters, eager to hear what the billionaire before them had to say.

I started to peek my head out from behind the curtain, but someone held me back.

"Don't you know it's bad luck to look at a crowd before a show?" Louis said playfully. I nodded  my head and grinned.

"You know I went to an arts school, Boobear!"

"Yeah, but you're naturally talented, Lily." Louis picked me up and put me on his hip. I may have been a bit tall for my age, but he was taller.

As we were talking, my stylist (It still feels strange to say that) approached me and said that she wanted to change my makeup. I nodded and reluctantly and pulled away from Louis.

My stylist, Christina, sat me down in front of the lighted mirror. She brushed the smokey eyeshadow away with some sort of makeup remover, and instead brushed on layered poweder with neutral hints of gold. She added more blush and swiped on some tawny lipstick on my mouth.

"Done!" Christina announced happily.

"Thanks." I said, unsure of what else I could say.

Simon finished his speech about why this had happened and how the lads had moved on from a recent "rough spot" and how they had "touched the life of one very special little girl."

"I'd like you all to meet Lily, a brand new addition to the One Direction family." Simon said.

That was my cue. I stepped out nervously onto the platform, praising Christine for not putting me in heels. Simon guided me up to the pedestal, adjusting the microphone to my height. "um... Hi..." I said, my nerves already setting in. The lads stood behind me, Louis putting his hand on my shoulder for support.

The questions immediately started flowing in, every reporter rushing to get my opinion. "One at a time, please." Simon said over the crowd.

The thrum died down and people started raising thier hands. I nodded at a woman with sleek brown hair curled into a topknot. "How did One Direction pick you over everyone else at the orphanage? What makes you so special?" she asked.


Zayn stepped up behind me. I gladly let him take the question.

"We found her actually outside the orphanage, miles away. She was running from some people that had tried to harm her, but she was injured and she couldn't walk. We were on our way to the orphanage where she lived, but we slid off the road becasue of the storm. We found her there, and we talked, found out where she was from, and everything kind of fell into place. She's a very kind, down-to-earth girl, and she deserves this."

I smiled a little. I didn't think of it that way.

Another reporter, a man this time, posed his question. "What do you think about this whole thing?"

"Well," I started, "It is still kind of unreal to me. I had some problems at home before I went to Coventry House, but now I know I have a safe place to be. It feels good to know that someone thinks you're worth it. The press conference thing is new, though." A few people chuckled.

The rest of the conference wnt smoothly, each of us answering our share of questions. It was a bit tiring, but also exhilerating. Luckily, no one asked about the incident at the restaraunt.

When the press conference was over, the lads  headed back home, without Simon. We parked ourselves on the couch, playing the rest of the day away through video games.

I think I finally have a home. I thought happily.

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