Chapter 22

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Twenty Two-oo-OO-oo.... Yeah. I know. You just want the story. I get it :'(

Xx Chanel

For those who don't know, I cut Lily's sister out for now. The plot just couldn't fit her in. For Now...

No, seriously. She's not coming back.


The girls had to leave for various jobs, so it was just me and the lads at Niall's favourite restaurant.

Nandos. (A/N: I bet you guessed that!)

My stomach growled, but it was silenced quickly enough by a little voice inside my head. Don't eat anything! It growled. You're already fat enough!

I had been hearing little voices inside my head like that since I was nine. I imagined this little girl, sort of like a emo/ punk/ skater girl with the kind of haircut that's short all around except for a little bit in front that covers up her face. I named the girl Pretty.

Either that or I had a twin in my mother's womb and she somehow crawled into my ear and refuses to come out.

Now you see how messed up I am.

Soon enough, our car pulled up to Nando's. Paul had left for the night, so we got a rental car.

All of us donned our glasses, including me. The lads had filled me in on my situation, adding in parts about questions or rumours that might spread about me before Simon made the official announcement of adoption. For now, I was posing as Niall's younger cousin, because I had fair skin and icy blue eyes most like him.

"We can take these off when we get inside." Niall explained.

Louis ripped off his glasses as soon as the door closed behind us. I shot him a questioning look, but he just shrugged.

The waitress at the front looked at us expectantly. "Uh, where's Haley?" Niall looked slightly panicked. "She normally works here..."

"She caught a cold, and I'm filling in." The waitress smirked, looking at Louis. "And I suppose you're Louis Tomlinson, from that famous band?"

"Er..." Louis avoided the waitress'es gaze.

"I'll be back with some menus." She said, sauntering back into the kitchen. When she returned, her top was unbuttoned down to her chest, exposing an ample amount of her lacy bra, skirt that normally reached her knees was hiked up halfway up her thighs, and her hair was now trailing in waves down her shoulders rather than the neat bun we first saw it in. She had darkened her lipstick to a deep red, and her eyes were lined in a dark pencil and topped with smokey eyeshadow. Why she kept that much makeup with her, I had no idea. All I knew was that if I tried to pull that off, I would look like a flat- chested raccoon that got mugged.

She beckoned us forward, looking flirtily at Louis all the while.

The other lads and I shot furtive glances at each other.

"M- Maybey we should come back later..." Niall stuttered, boh perplexed and scared.

"No, stay. I insist!" The waitress purred, gesturing to a table with a low hanging lamp above it and five chairs.

"Er, there aren't enough chairs..." Louis pointed out.

"Thank you, Captain Obvious." Groaned Zayn.

"I'm Superman, Zayn, you know that." Louis shot back. I expected him to burst out laughing, but he remained completely serious.

"Oops... Looks like ALL the other tables and chairs are taken." the waitress cut in, moving quite far into Louis' personal space. "Why don't you come with me, dear, and we can get another chair from the back." She smirked and guided me back quickly before I could protest.

She shoved me roughly away from the table towards the kitchen. I tripped through the swinging doors, skinning the palms of my hands.

The waitress's entire demeanour changed. "Get up." she growled.

"Wait, I-" I tried to speak, but she cut me off.

"Save it. I know what you're up to." she advanced menacingly, pulling me up by the collar of my new leather jacket.

"Well could you tell me? Because I missed it!" I said whilst struggling to get down. The waitress only tightened her hold and lifted me higher.

"Don't play dumb with me. You're a little freeloader, just a little urchin, hoping to get your fifteen minutes of fame with One Direction!" she spat, her eyes widening in a crazed manner.

My heart beat in a frenzied march as if I had just won a marathon. The look in her eyes, the sweat beading on her forehead, the rough grip and loud accusations reminded me of countless instances when my father, fuelled by alcohol and suppressed feelings, would launch attacks like this.

Evil Waitress (as I had named her) pushed me up against a wall with one hand closed around my throat. I pulled at her fingers, but her grip remained steadfast.

I tried to scream, but nothing came out. I finally managed a shrill yelp, and the waitress clapped a hand over my mouth.

"Keep quiet!" she hissed. She pulled me into a frigid meat locker and pushed me onto a chair. Her quick hands tied a knot around my wrists at the back of the chair with some leftover twine, and a piece of packing tape pressed over my lips shut me up for real.

"Don't even think about trying something clever." the waitress ordered, and with that, she shut the thick metal door behind her, clicking the large lock into place with a finality that made me think I wasn't getting out of the freezing room for a long, long time.


Agh, dramarama. Good stuff, huh?

And now...

THREE THOUSAND READS AND I HAVENT UPDATED IN TWO WEEKS OMG THUS IS AMAZING! Im averaging almost a hundred new reads a day. This is amazing beyond words. I'm sorry I've been so busy and haven't updated in a while, but you guys keep reading and spreading the word. Seeing this is so amazing, I'd like to take the liberty of asking something. Comments maybe? :)

Xx Chanel

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