Chapter 24

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"Hey" I looked away from my phone and saw my brother. "Are you okay?" He sat next to me loosening his tie.

"Good evening. I'm alright how was work?" He sighed heavily throwing himself on the back of the couch. "That bad?"

"Filling father's shoes is not easy Kid trust me." I turned to face him my hand supporting my head while my elbow rested on the back of the couch.

"How do you mean?"

"I mean I have to live up to certain expectations. Everyone is expecting me to be like him. Super nice like him." I giggled earning a glare from him. "It's not funny."

"Caleb but it's simple, just don't be like dad. Be you." He snorted.

"As if it's that easy." I shook my head.

"You can never be dad, ever. You can only try but you can never be him. He was also not like his father and he never even tried to be like him because he knew everyone is different. You're different, you run a company your own way. You treat staff differently from how dad did. Although you both have the same dress code." He chuckled causing me to laugh as well.

"But won't I ruin what our parents have built all these years if I do it my way?"

"If the great Mr McGregor trusted you to take over his company even though you weren't related then I believe you won't. It only shows how much he believed or saw how good are with this. I know dad saw that too. Deep down he knew he was leaving everything in good hands." And he did.

"Are you sure you're 17? You speak so wisely like a 70 year old." I playfully hit his arm and chuckled. "Honestly Kid thank you for that reminder. I will definitely start doing it my way now."

"Wise decision bro." I winked at him and he smiled in return.

"I'll go take a quick shower." I nodded turning my attention back to my phone.


"How are you feeling today Meg?" I looked at her through the screen, she looked better than the last time we facetimed.

"I'm better Ky, I've finally accepted my life and the fate of my parents." I nodded also happy she's feeling better. "I called you because I wanna tell you something."

"Ooookay should I be worried?" She giggled shaking her head. "Hey! You laughed." She laughed even louder that time causing me to smile.

"Ky stop being silly. Well I um..." she took a deep breath. "I facetimed my dad last night. Well that would make it your morning." I let out a light laugh.

"I keep forgetting we're in different time zones. So what did he say?" My mind went back to what Em told me the other day.

"Well he sure did explain a lot of things mom was keeping from me. I realise now that I never knew my parents that much, all along I thought they were so happy whilst they were pretending. Ky can you believe I have a stepmother? Of course they're not married yet but he's planning on marrying her that's why he wants a divorce. And on top of that she's pregnant."


Em you didn't tell me this.

Kyla I told you before, it's none of your business, I don't talk about others' business.

Ouch that was harsh.

"I know right. It's all so sudden I'm not sure how to take it all in." She ate her cookie.

"Well I don't think taking it all in at once is a good idea. Take it one step at a time. I'm sorry again you're going through this, I guess every home has it's own problems." She nodded swallowing what she chewed.

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