Chapter 62

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Week 26: The blood vessels are fully functional and the heart is pumping blood. From now the baby can be able to open their eyes for the first time. The baby weighs 900 grams and is almost 35 centimetres.


With some soft music playing low my party began. I overlooked the living room and foyer from the upper level of the house. I carefully inspected everyone downstairs wearing their black clothes. Ari and Caleb secretly planned a party instead of just a family dinner for me, inviting some of their friends and colleagues.

I wasn't totally excited obviously since I had to turn my closet upside down just to find something that covered my big belly. I ended up settling for a grey princess style gown that Ari got for me last minute. It looked like one of those huge wedding dresses if you ask me. After all I was a princess today so it matched the occasion.

"Enjoying the view?" I turned on my heels immediately I heard whose voice that was.

"Babe." I breathed whilst giving him a hug. "You made it."

"Of course I did." He gave me a peck. "I arrived almost an hour ago. I was with Caleb in the study until your grandfather came and wanted to talk to him alone." I smiled.

"So you guys are cool?" I asked and he nodded looking relieved.

"Yes we are." I kissed him again. "Why aren't you downstairs with your guests?" I let out a short giggle.

"I don't know half of those people and I'm trying to avoid giving people hugs." I explained and that's when his eyes landed on my dress.

"You did a good job hiding it, I can't even say you're a mom." He chuckled.

"Well Ari bought it. It's just that it's huge, it's kind of hard walking properly without having to lift it up." I said rolling my eyes.

"It's just one night, you'll get over it soon." He said. I smiled hearing him say that. "Come on." He grabbed my hand leading me downstairs to everyone.

"Kyla." Ari called when she saw me.

"I'm going to look for a drink." Zach whispered before leaving.

"Thank God you finally got dressed, come on you have to take some pictures." She took me to where the photographer was and he had set up a little studio in the foyer.

"Where is Caleb and grandpa?" I asked Ari.

"I think they're probably in the study discussing business." I rolled my eyes.

"I can't take pictures without my family. I'll go get them." I said.

"No you start without them and I will call them for you." She offered.

"I think I should since I'll be able to convince them. You and my grandfather aren't exactly best buddies right now." She sighed in defeat.

"Fine, just hurry please." I walked past the guests and made my way to the study. As I was approaching I heard voices speaking, as I got closer I could hear the conversation between Caleb and grandpa. They seemed to have been arguing. I stopped pacing and walked slowly to pick up what they were saying.

"I will not allow you to bring my company down because of your stupidity!" I heard grandpa's loud voice.

"It was my father's company not yours!" Caleb shouted back.

"I handed it to him you idiot!!"

"And he paid you back every fucking dollar you spent ln it and even more for the exact same thing you're doing now!! You're such a control freak." Why are they talking like that?

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