Chapter 3

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His smile turned to a chuckle after I said his name. "Yeah Kyla it's me. Or you have forgotten me already?" he faked cried like he was hurt.

I giggled at his sarcasm. "How can I forget Deveon Moore, the most wanted boy in this school?" I said in a whisper, OH NO DID I SAY THAT OUT LOUD? "uhhh... I mean I'm just surprised to see you, you know."

Why would you? You go to the same school as him.

Damnit. That was lame wasn't it?

I share Maths and science class with him. Honestly I was a little bit disappointed he didn't visit or at least text me while I was mourning my parents especially since we're usually teamed up for projects so I thought we had become at least friends but then I think I was wrong. Almost everyone else in my class did come though.

"Uhh I'm sorry to interrupt your weird reunion but I'll give you two some space." Hannah stood up and left to take a seat next to Alec and that was not a very good idea. I could hear them whisper argue at each other already and I giggled.

"So how are you doing princess?" This must be what this boy calls all the girls he sleeps with. Poor them they fall for him so easily.

"I'm not sure about the princess part but I'm doing okay." I said honestly. I was okay. I guess seeing other people and familiar faces made me much better.

"Oh that's good news. I'm glad the princess is okay now." The P word again.

"Why are you calling me a princess?" He let out a chuckle.

"Well for starters you live lavishly like a princess, you are treated like a princess in this school and everyone knows your name not to mention your pare-." He stopped himself from talking when he mentioned my parents.

"Right." I said and then looked out of the window next to me. Looking at the trees disappear and reappear quickly as the bus moved.

"Um Kyla I am-"

"Please don't say sorry. I think I have heard enough of those for today." I said and it was quiet. Well until he spoke again.

"Actually I also wanted to apologise to you for not coming to check on you after Mrs Thompson told us what was going on. I thought of texting or calling but I just didn't know what to say to you or even how to act around you so I wouldn't make you feel any worse. I am really sorry. I thought anything I'd say would hurt you like I just did and I didn't want that so I thought I should stay away."

"It's okay and thank you." We both stayed quiet until I spoke again. "I'm just surprised you thought of me I mean we're not even friends." He chuckled nervously.

"Like I said you're hard to miss when everybody thinks of you as a princess and besides if you say we aren't then I say we're teammates." We both creased up in laughter. "I'm sorry though Kyla, for not checking up on my teammate. It wasn't a good thing to do." I smiled at him.

"Although I don't think you should be apologising it's okay I forgive you. And you should know I don't hate you at all well I couldn't even if I wanted to." He frowned.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Well for starter we share a few classes together and as you already know, in projects or whatever that requires group work, they always put us together so imagine the awkwardness it'd cause if I'd hate you and besides I think you're a nice person." I explained.

"Really?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"Yeah are you not?" His chuckle made me smile.

"Well I happen to be labelled as the school's man-whore so you thinking I am nice is something I never thought I'd hear. Especially coming from a beautiful lady like you." Beautiful?

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