Chapter 3

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I reach my dorm room door, and put the key in. 

Opening the door, I walk in, closing it behind me and the first thing I notice is that Anne isn't here. I frown to myself, remembering she has class now and probably won't be home for another few hours.  I walk over to my part of the dorm, and chuck my stuff in one of the cupboards underneath my bed, and grab my shower bag before heading to take a shower. 

I hate taking a shower in the dorms. I hate unisex shower rooms. It's the most rattling thing.  And no, it has not made me any less body conscious. I amvery aware that all it takes is for some idiot to pull the curtain back and my whole body is exposed. You can probably  guess that I do not spend long in the shower. But this time was an exception.

I walked in, taking my clothes off and hanging them over the rail, along with the hook on my shower bag. I turned the shower on and stood, letting the lukewarm beads roll down my skin, easing my muscles and slowing my heart beat with them. I wiped the makeup off my skin and put my face nder the trickling water, letting it  wash away my memories. It soaked my hair, making it stick to my back and butt cheeks. 

Urg. Long hair is such an inconvenience sometimes.  I washed it and grabbed the hair tie off my wrist, and tied it up in a bun while I continued my shower and shaved myself. I was about to turn the water off when I heard voices speaking faintly in the distance.  They were definitely not female.  And they were definitley Korean. They weren't inside the shower room yet, but I was pretty certain I didn't  want to be when they got here.  Because I was certain that one voice beonged to Kibum, and I was not ready for another interaction.

Stupid silly me forgot he was even at the language lunch. Which obviously means he goes to school here. Although, I had figured he still had his own place with the boys.

I shut off my shower and wrapped a towel around my dripping body. and grabbed my clothes and wash bag and ran to the cubicles.  I locked one of the doors and sat on the toilet bowl, hugging my knees to my chest.

Okay, all I need to do is wait here until they get into the shower and then I can sneak out while they're in there. They'll never know I was here.  That way they won't know what building I live in, yes.  Okay good plan Jessica, well done. You don't normally use your brain that well.

I mentally slapped myself after getting carried away by congradulating myself, as I was pulled from my celebrations by a door opening, allowing the voices to now create echos.

They were speaking in Korean, not surprisingly. I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but the only way I can make myself not is by humming a song or something, and now isn't really the time.

I heard Key's  voice for certain, and another voice. It wasn't deep enough to be Minho's  but not clear enough to be Taemin's. I had it narrowed down to Jongyhun and Onew, but when the voice began to sing notes I wasn't even aware of existing  they were so high pitched, it was clear it was Jongyhun.

"Stop being such a show off hyung"

"Stop being so  jealous of my angelic notes"

Hahahaha okay that was good.

"At least I can dress myself" I heard Key mutter.

"Yah! I can dress myself just fine!"

"Yeah, if you call blinding everyone with the amount of light bouncing off you dressing yourself"

"Whatever" Jongyhun said, trying to make his voice overly feminine. I heard a slap shortly following this and a moaping Jongyhun.

Don't laugh. Don't laugh. Don't laugh.

Are they actually going to get a shower already. 

"So what was earlier all about?" I heard Jonghyun mention as he turned his shower on.

Thank  God. Now just if Key would get in his.

"I spoke to her yesterday at the language lunch thing. I bumped into by accident, and then I spoke to her, because she seemed like a nice enough person. I found out she was Irish, that she was a foreign exchange student and I asked her about Kpop. But she said she didn't listen to it" 

I could literally hear the frown in his voice.

"But she sang our songs?" I heard Jonghyun shout from the shower.

"Yeah, I know. I found out her favourite food though."



This was soon followed by heavy laughing with Onew's  name being mentioned.

I cringed inside. This is embarrassing. 

Jongyhun continued;" Well she definately doesn't know who we are."

"What do you mean, stupid. Of course she does."

"No.  I overheard her friend saying to her Professor that she only knows the songs because she had to take a class in school and her previous teacher had to teach her the dances and songs because she doesn't know the language. She's never really seen one of our music videos"

THANK YOU ANNE. Note to self, spoile Anne with food and whatever she wants.

"really" Key pouted while turning on his shower.

Yes, now get in it, please. I want to leave.

"Yeah, anyway did you not see how she ran from us. She obviously thought we were some kind of strange idiots."

"I suppose so" I could tell he was shouting from the shower, so I ran out of there as fast as I could. But of course me being me, slipped at  the door and fell flat on the floor.  I  scrambled up as fast as I could, thankfully making it out before either of them saw me  and went back to my dorm room.

I walked in to see Anne sitting on the bed, looking oddly excited.

I filled my lungs with air, and emptied them, before saying;

"I  have a lot to tell you" 

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