Chapter 10

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Onew began trying to speak to me, but was struggling with the English a lot. Key turned to me and joined the conversation.

"So do you like performing?" He said with a huge grin. This attracted the others' attention and I just looked at me knees.

"I, uh, I guess so." I said mumbling.

"That's good" he said, but he said it in a weird way, so I didn't completely get what he meant.

"Uh, why?" I said doubtfully.

The guys all started to look around at eachother smirking. Key turned to me and said;

"Well, because we decided, since we're such amazing people" he flicked his hair "we managed to get you a gig at a nearby bar."

"A bar?" I said doubtedly. I have never worked in a bar before, and they better NOT be talking about a strip club.

"Yeah, as a live performer, two nights a week. They pay 120,000 won an hour (about £70)," My jaw dropped.

"Are you sure it's, safe?" They laughed.

"Yessssss"Key whinced. "It's like a palce where people go to listen to love music and performers and stuff. Like small concerts"

Ahh it all made sense now.

"Wow, thankyou" I said bowing, not knowing how else to show gratitude.

Taemin leant forward and scruffled my hair. "Well we couldn't let your talent go to waste now, could we?" He said smiling.

I smiled and checked my phone. 6.30pm. Wow I had been here longer that I thought.

"I, better get going" I said as the boys all groaned. Jongyhun flicked his eyes at Onew who looked back. Taemin looked towards Onew too and said "Do something!"
Jongyhun said "Walk her to the door! Take her home!"
Key turned around and said "If you don't at least get her number, you're a silly boy."

"Goodbye" I said smilling and getting up. I waved and turned away. The library was dark now, and I wasn't looking forward to having to walk for almost five minuted to get out of it to be completely honest.

I heard Minho say " Onew we see how you look at her, now go." I heard him mumble something, but I ignored it and continued walking. I decided to go down one of the aisles as it was lighter than the strip I was already walking down. I followed the light to the door and opened it, only to see dark skies and heavy rain. I let out a sigh and put my satchel down and took my jumper off. I put my satchel back over my right shoulder, and held my jumper above my head and began to walk to my car.

My car.

Is at the dorm.

I looked inside my satchel for my purse.

Crap. Empty.

Well I guess I'm not calling a cab. I began walking as it was going to take me at least an hour in this weather, and I didn't want to waste any time. I crossed the car park and got to the pavement. I looked to my right seeing a nearby town, all lit up and actually looking beautiful in the rain. And then to my left, the direction I was to head. The first thing I saw was an alleyway. I began quivering. Both from the cold and the fear of the dark and being frightened of the alley I was going to have to walk through.

I began walking cautiously towards it. The rain was getting very heavy and I could hear nothing apart from the droplets hitting the ground. My shirt was sticking to my skin and my striped navy and white bra was visable now.

"Jessica" I heard faintly. I ignored it, knowing it was my mind playng tricks on me and walked faster. I heard splashing behind me.

"Jessica, wait" I felt an arm on my elbow. I turned to see Onew.

"Where are you going?"

"Um back to my dorm" I said forcing a smile.

"Where's your car parked?"

"Uh my friend had to take it, so I'm going to walk back."

"Oh no you aren't." he said taking my hand and pulling me after him.

"Onew I'm fine really."

"No we can drop you back"

"Onew, please" he stopped and turned to face me. He gave me a look that made me aware there was no point in trying to argue.

"Okay" I said now walking beside him.

We got to the car park and he lead me towards a van. I began to hesitate.

"It's okay" he said, continuing to lead me towards it. The door slid open and he ushered me to the back seats. The front two were filled by Taemin and Minho who both smiled at me when I entered, the next two by Key and Jongyhun. Onew sat in the corner and I sat beside him.

"You're soaking" he said.

"I'm alright," I said trying to cover myself.

"here" he said taking off his jacket and wrapping it around me.

"I'll get it wet"

"Oh well" he said continuing to secure the jacket on me.

"Thankyou" I said, putting my short arms through the sleeves and zipping it up so my bra was no longer visable.

"Onew hyung, did you get her number yet?" Jongyhun teased in Korean so I couldn't understand it, but Onew ignored it.

Minho now chimed in "Come on Onew. If you told us you liked her, then you have to do something"

Taemin joined in singing "Onew's got a girlfriend" over and over, letting his child shine through.

Key now joined saying "Oh Onew, a little kiss or two maybe?"

Onew finally stopped ignoring them. "Hyungs, please. I'm trying to build up my courage and you aren't helping. I have only really known her for less than a day. I've known of her for longer, but I know I do not want to loose her already, I-"

I cut him off. I couldn't let this continue.

"I SPEAK KOREAN" I burst in Korean.

Key immediately started laughing, before Taemin, Minho and Jongyhun joined in. Onew was just pastey white.

Onew said to Jongyhun " I don't know why you're laughing, Mr 'let me have a chance'" he said mocking him, making him go silent.

"I'm sorry, I just don't make a big deal out of it, and only Anne knows I speak it because, well I don't know why. I'm sorry" I began to speak freely in Korean.

"So, you understood everything?"


"You apologise too much " Taemin chimed happily. I smiled and the rest relaxed slight, apart from Onew.

We were just outside Campus so I said, " You can let me go here" I smiled, still feeling awkward.

"O-okay" Onew mumbled. The van slowed and I got out.

"Bye, and thankyou" I said smiling.

"Wait" Onew said. I turned to face him as he looked at me.

"It's not that late. Why don't you come back with us? To our place?" The rest of the boys all got excited and started begging me along with Onew. I looked towards my dorm building thinking of how alone I would be without Anne and then decided against going back and got back in the van, going and sitting beside Onew once more. He smiled at me before taking my hand once more and the van began moving.

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