Chapter 11

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The van pulled up at the back entrance of the building. Onew gestured for me to get out of the van as the rest of the boys waited to let me out first. I stood on the concrete, clutching my satchel and tightening Onew's jacket around me as the cold air bit me. I felt someone place their hand on the back of my shoulder and I turned to see Taemin leading me forward. I smiled at him as Jonghyun and Key ran on ahead. Taemin joined them as they began racing to the elevator. I followed them laughing to myself. Minho strided past me, smiling at me as he did. Onew stayed straggling behind me. I got in the small lift which was now overcrowded and turned to see Onew approaching the lift.

"I'm not going to fit" he moaned.

"That's alright." I said while stepping out. "We can get the next one?" I smiled. He nodded as I waited for the doors to close so I could call the other lift.
The doors shut and I pressed the other button. We both stood shuffling awkwardly.

The elevator arrived, empty and we walked inside. Onew pressed the button for the 10th floor.

"Level ten?!" I said panicking. I wasn't exactly keen on heights.

"Don't worry. The view is beautiful. And we're only one flight below the roof" he said smiling. The elevator dinged as the door opened.
He gestured for me to go out first and I nodded at him as a thankyou.
The corridor was very large and very empty. The eeriness made me shiver as my nerves started to spark.

"This way" he smiled at me before leading me to my right. We walked to the door right at the very end of the corridor.

"Oh I forgot to ask" he turned to me

"Yeah?" I said smiling. I was genuinely curious.

"Do you , um, drink? You know, alcohol" he said in the most awkward way possible.

"Oh. I tried wine once. But not since then."

"Ah" he exhaled.

"What's wrong?" I said

"Well, since it's a party and all.." he began to trail off,awkwardly,again.

"Onew it's fine. You guys should just have fun" I wasn't bothered about the whole thing.

He smiled and opened the door. Key was jumping around on the sofa holding a mic as Taemin was twirling and singing into another. Jongyhun was cheering them on as Minho brought them all drinks.

"Welcome!" Jongyhun shouted.

I laughed knowing he was trying to be funny.

Taemin ran over to me as the song finished, "Noona you have to sing!" And placed the mic in my hand.

"No, no I can't" I said, trying to give the mic back. But he refused to take it. Key came over and took my hand.

"Look you can choose the song" he handed me a remote. I looked around at them, as Minho returned once more from the kitchen area and handed me a drink.
Onew began "oh she doesn't-"

"Thank You " I took a drink, making him stop talking. I needed something to make me relax a bit more. I was too nervous already. And no I do not need a lecture on that thank you conscience.

I continued to scroll through the songs.

"This only has SHINee songs on it!" I moped.

"Well it is out karaoke machine" Jongyhun said as if it was obvious and Onew just grinned at me.

"Oh that one's good" he said as I scrolled over Dream Girl.

"Okay" I said giving in. I chose it feeling sick. Oh this was a bad idea.

The music video was going to be very distracting, as were the faces in the room to be honest. But the alcohol had made me some what charismatic and confident already as I had finished two glasses of wine before even starting the song.
I'm not sure how that happened.

"I can't rap" i admitted before the song started.

"I'll help you Minho chanted. I nodded as the song started.

I let go and sang mockingly to Key as he did it back, playing along. Pretending to blush when I sang to him. I sang to all of them. How? I don't know. But I stopped to let Key solo his parts. I nearly fainted but I composed myself. They all started joining in and my head felt like it was about to explode. I can't handle this.


It was so much later now. After hours of dancing and chatting and laughing so much I had to run to the bathroom three times, everyone was starting to slow down. I checked my phone to see it was 1am. Crap.

"Uh I better go" I started to stand up, now pretty much sober. Minho stood up saying
"Where do you think you're going at a time like this? It is not safe."
I shuffled from foot to foot,not really knowing what to say.
"You can stay here" Taemin chimed. I glanced at Onew who was passed out sleeping on the couch and nodded.

"Where will she sleep? Onew is the only one with a spare bed. " Key said.

"Well in his room then Umma" Taemin said.

"Let's get him to bed first" Minho said as the four each grabbed limb.
They directed me to his door and told me to open it. I pulled back the covers on the bed which had decorative sheets and they lay him down. Key began digging through his doors making sounds of disgust.
"Ugh. Ew. No. What even is this?" He shut the drawer leaving the room and returning shortly after bring me a huge oversized grey knitted jumper.

"Here noona" he said smiling. "Sorry. We don't have girl's pyjamas on standby " he said flailing his arm around dramatically.

"Thankyou so much" I said giving a small bow.

"Goodnight Jessica" they all chimed as they shut the door quietly. I glanced at Onew. He wasn't in his usual sleeping position meaning he wasn't wrapped up like a sausage roll. He was just lying on his side looking like an angel. His hair falling over his eyes. I turned around and quickly changed so that he couldn't see anything and began to fold my clothes. I heard a groan and turned around to see Onew out of bed.
He began to unzip his jacket and take it off. I stood bewildered. His eyes were still shut. He bent down and pulled off his socks. Then he lifted his shirt over his head and my head went fuzzy seeing the moonlight hit his skin.
He then placed his hand on the button of his pants and I covered my eyes
"STOP" I whisper shouted. After a few moments of silence I uncovered my eyes to see him closer than expected.
His eyes were dark. The awkward Onew was no longer here. My breathing hitched making a small gasp as he stood even closer to me, causing me to step back, my back hitting the wall.

"Onew" I questioned. Was he sleep walking?

"Mmm" he replied as he snaked his arms around my waist lifting my back of the wall and pulling my close to him.

"W-what are you doing?" I said feeling slightly exasperated.

Stop it hormones. Stop it.

"Well. I guess you'll just have to wait and find out" he said pulling me even closer to him.

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