Chapter 15

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"NOO" I shouted and began to try and pull the book off him. But he was too strong. Why can't I be stronger? Why?

"Come on  Jongyhun-" Onew began to get up. "Just give her back the book." he tried to pull it from him, taking my place. Now the two of them were almost ripping it apart. I could feel myself getting hotter and hotter. Then I heard a thump. I turned to see the book on the floor. Open. 

"Oh my-" Key said, turning his head to look at me.

"She really is a fan" Taemin said, whispering because of the shock  he was in.

"Uh" was all I could manage. Onew picked the book up and left. 

"But how were you so, calm?" Minho said, exaggerating the 'calm'. I just shrugged my shoulders.

"Performing Arts school I guess". This earned a laugh from him and I chuckled lightly trying to calm myself.

"I'm so sorry." I began. "I'm sorry for not being honest. But I thought that when you guys meet fans thats all you see them as and I didn't want to bother you guys as I'm sure you have enough girls following you around screaming your name, and even though I felt like it, I didn't want to" I said sighing.

"Noona that is sweet" Taemin said taking my right hand. I looked at him, now feeling very confused.

"It is,cute" Key joined him , taking my other.

"Wait, wait." I began, "Why are you guys not mad?"  I questioned. 

"It was nice being treated normal for once" Minho echoed.

Jongyhun came over, wrapping his arms around me before I could move.

"It's okay" he said and stood back. I smiled.

Suddenly, Onew burst in through the door with a huge smile on his face. He didn't have the book with him.

"Guess what?!" he said, exaggerating every part of each word, as if he was making a very important announcement.

"What?" They all said in unison as I just stood there.

"I-" he started. Oh no. I started to stumble backwards until my back was against the wall. I sank to the ground. He continued "- am Jessica's bias" 

They all looked at me. I smiled weakly back and gave a fake laugh. Like one of those laughs wwhen you're trying to sound normal, but you end up sounding like an out of breath robot.

"I knew it" Key said happily.

"Aw, noona" Taemin said pouting. Now I felt bad. Really bad.

"Really?" Jongyhun said also looking upset.

"Not fair" Minho said. They were all upset.

I stood up.

"But that was before I knew any of you personally" They all cheered up immediately and Onew's expression sank. "I don't think it would be fair now to have a bias to be honest. I know you guys, and though I don't know you very well, I still don't think it would be fair." I tried to explain myself, hoping I made sense.

The reply I got was a lot of "Ahh"-ing in understandment. I smiled to myself, thankful that it was finally over with. I knew they were going to have to find out eventually. Or at least figure it out over time. Like what would have happened if they found my videos? Or saw me screaming in a crowd at a concert. That would have been MUCH worse. Not that they would remember me or anything, but you know what I mean. I can dream, right? 

"I'm sorry" I said, just to make sure they knew. Because I felt really awful. That was a pretty strange thing to keep secret.

"It's okay noona, stop saying sorry" Taemin said laughing and ruffled my hair.

"Yah, you're ruining my best feature" I said playfully and ruffled his hair back. He laughed at me and hid behind Jongyhun, who bent his head forward; 

"You can mess up my hair" he slurred, but in that way that makes you forget how to breathe.

"Yah!" Key said hitting him over the head, "Stop flirting" he said protectively. I just laughed.

"So we're okay?" I said, once again.

"YES" they all said in unison. 

"Okay, okay, just making sure" I said laughing. "Um, Key?"

"Yes?"  he said, his pitch lowering and then raising at the end, which sounded really cute.

"This bar you mentioned yesterday at the library,-" he cut me off

"Oh yeah! I totally forgot! Yeah! You work Friday and Saturday nights from 5:30pm to 11pm!"

"Oh okay great! Uh, where is it exactly?" I said nibbling my lower lip. He came towards me, standing in front of me to speak to me, as the rest of the boys left gradually, taking plate to clean them. But I could see Onew standing to my right, slightly behind me out of the corner of my eye. I could see his arms in that vest top. Oh man, he made my brain fizz.

"Oh, it's in that little tiny area past the library" I thought back to last night, seeing the few buildings there all lit up and glistening. I smiled to myself. "We don't have any scheduals today, so we could take you!" I totally forgot it was Friday. 

"Uh, no it's oka-"

"No no, I insist" Key said, overdramatically.

"okay, if you want" I said smiling. "Well, I better go get changed. I should be getting back to my dorm soon. I need to do some work and shower." I said.

"I can take you" Onew interupted.

"Uh, I-"

"Yeah, Onew hyung can take you" Key said smirking.

"O-okay" I said. "Well. I better go get changed." I said and scurried back to Onew's room. I made the two beds while I was in there, as a small thankyou. I gathered my clothes and stood against the door as I changed back into them, so if anyone was to open it I could quickly close it and keep my dignity. My shirt was still damp. I hated the way it still stuck to me. I finished pulling my jumper over my head and walked over to the bed I had been given, setting my bag on it, searching through, double checking everything was still there. But the book wasn't. Where is it? Onew left with it and came back without it. I looked around to see if he had left it sitting anywhere, but I didn't see it. I saw the drawer on his bedside table was slightly open. I knew there was a very high chance that was going to be his underwear drawer, but I opened it quickly.I was cught off gaurd by the fact I was actually looking in his underwear drawer. Thankfully, the book was in there and I took it out and shut the drawer.

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