Chapter 9

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I read the book  at an almighty pace, as I always do when I get sucked into a beautiful story. I finished it and checked the time, seeing it was now only 10:30am.

Wow, that was fast, even for me.

I grabbed my bag and left my music in. I removed my earphones to hear I would be correct in assuming that my music was clearly audible because of how loud I was playing it. But did I care? No. I was in an empty library. I should be walking around, dramatically acting to the lyrics of the song. But I refused to do it because even the thought of ghosts witnessing me do it made me embarrassed.

It hit me at this point that I would have to keep all my fangirl inside, without Anne to endlessly babble to about my infatuation.

I decided to check my phone quickly, only to  see a message from the school informing us that we will be taking a two week break due to "last minute problems". I pouted. I was going to distract myself from Anne's absence with study. This sucks.

I turned to keep walking as I bumped into a body. I was so taken aback by the fact there was another being in my sacred place that I fell flat on the floor, dropping everything. I turned my music off and pulled my earphones out as I muttered;

"Sorry, I wasn't looking at where I was going." I began to get up as I felt an arm on my elbow, assisting me.

"That's okay" I heard the voice reply, trying to speak English.

"Thankyou." I said as I gathered myself . I looked up to give the person a smile, but he was picking up the book I had been carrying.

"I love this one" he said handing it back to me. 

I immediately panicked. As I saw the perfect eyes that belong to Onew all I could manage to say was, "I just finished it" and turn to put it in it's place.

"Ah"  I hear him reply. He continued," Have I seen you before?" he said looking at me genuinely interested.

"Em, I, uh"

"Oh I know! You're from that class! You're the one who ran."

I laughed awkwardly, fiddling with my hands not really knowing what to do or say.

"Uh sorry" was all I could manage.

Jessica stop saying that. You sound like you only know how to say sorry.

"Don't apologise. I realise that we startled you. Like I just did. I should apologise, sorry" he said bowing.

"No, it's okay, honest" 

He looked back up at me smiling and I felt my cheeks flush.

"Would you like to join me for a hot chocolate?" He asked, offering me his hand.

Damn I hate skinship. And I know I already had a hot chocolate, but I love those things.

"Uh, alright"  I said smiling. I slowly placed my hand in his, preparing for the  awkardness. He interlocked our fingers, which I was not expecting. But it didn't bother me. This was the first time I felt comfortable with this, since Filyo. I  pushed the thought out of my mind.

"Are you okay?" Onew turned to me and said. I nodded in response. I turned my head to look ahead of my once more to see that the rest of SHINee were seated around the comfy area. My cheeks flushed, suddenly more aware of the fact Onew was holding my hand. He stopped and turned to me

"What is your name.?"

"Seong Jessica" it's always weird for me to introduce myself here because you say your names the opposite away around from back home.  

"I'm Lee Jinki, but they call me Onew." 

"Nice to meet you" I said smiling.

"Come on" he said pulling me towards the rest of them, who were now looking me up and down, making me extremely nervous.

"Hyungs, this is Seong Jessica"

"Hello Jessica, I am Lee Taemin" he said smiling with those amazing eyes.

"I am Choi Minho" his deep voice vibrated my whole body.

"We've already met, haven't we Jessica?" Key said smirking. I smiled back and nodded, knowing he was teasing me.

Then I felt someone take my other hand and I turned to see Jongyhun's lips on my knuckles.

"And I'm Kim Jonghyun" 

"Yah!" Onew said whacking him away from my hand. 

"She doesn't like skinship!" Onew said in Korean to Jonghyun. I tried to act confused as Jongyhun replied;

"Really? I haven't got a chance without skinship! I am the king of skinship!" 

Key jumped in saying " Jonghyun leave the poor girl alone, I think she is much more suited for one of our other members" 

I looked at the ground in order to hide my blush. I felt someone take my arm. I turned to see Minho at my side;

"Come on, let's order" he said smiling.

We began to walk away as I could hear the boys conversing in Korean.

Jonghyun said "Come on hyung just let me have a chance."

Key replied to him "No, she is not a game." Aw.

Taemin jumped in at this point, "She seems really nice"

"She's pretty" Onew said, almost before he realised, as the rest of the boys ooh-ed and ah-ed.

"What would you like?" Minho asked me, steaing my focus.

"Uh, I can get it" I said smiling.

"Don't be rediculous. I will get it. What would you like?" He said sternly.

"uh, just hot chocolate please" I said, trying to smile but feeling nervous and guilty. I don't know why  I don't like people paying for me, but I just don't.

We waited as our order was placed on a tray.

I began to lift the tray when Minho stopped me.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"uh" i shifted on my feet.

"Here." He said handing me two hot chocolates.  

"One for you, one for Onew hyung. I'll take the rest" he said shyly.

I shuffled behind him as he lead the way back to the table. I placed Onew's drink in front of  him and he gestured me to sit beside him on the two seater he was sitting on.

Minho began speaking in Korean.

"Coffee for  Key. Tea and milk for Jongyhun. Banana milk for Taemin, even in this weather" he said mumbling the last part as they got excited over  their beverages.

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