Chapter 6

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I turned my whole body so I  was facing Anne and began speaking as fast as I could
"Please switch seats with me, Anne, I'll do anything, I can't sit here and know they are looking straight at me the whole way through eating, you know what I'm like with people paying attention to me eating anyways, I won't be able to concentrate, and I'll loose my appetite and then I'll be starving later, and then you know what'll happen, I'll do nothing but nag you about being hungry and then I'll moan about why we don't keep food in our dorm and then I'll beg you  to walk with me to the nearest 24 hour fast food place, becase I can't go myself in the dark, I might get injured, and then we'll walk back but I still won't be full, probably because I'll have been awake for longer and then I'll get you to order me food, but I won't-"


I stopped speaking as she put her hands on my shoulders to make me hush.

"If you move now, they will know you  are bothered by them facing you."

I began to understand what she was saying and my mouth formed an 'o' shape  as she continued;

"You aren't meant to know who they are, remember?"

I nodded and turned back to face my plate as we were given time to let our starters settle.  I could hear them speaking once again, them still being blissfully unaware of my capability to speak Korean.

I could hear Key saying; "What's wrong Onew? You're being more awkward than usual" in a teasing manor, only to be followed by Jongyhun saying; "Is our leader cracking under pressure?"

What pressure?

I then heard Minho chirp in "It's her hair, right? The long hair? Because I understand you if that's it.

Taemin argued "Aish Minho, her hair would be nothing without her pretty little lips"

"And those eyes" I could hear Jongyhun practically purr.

"Well at least she can dress herself" I heard Key say, refering back to the conversation he and Jonghyun had in the shower room.

"Yah! You shh before I come over there"

I began to shift uncomfortably, before thankfully our plates were cleared, prompting them to stop their  conversation.

I saw the waitress carrying over my meal and immediately became too excited about the chicken.

"OH ONEW HYUNG SHE'S ORDERED THE CHICKEN" I heard Jonghyun announce.

This was followed by boyish chants to tease Onew. What is the big deal? I like chicken.. just because I ordered the chicken dish and my favourite food isn't something to tease him  about. Now I just feel incredibly watched.

I looked up at the waitress to thank her as I bowed my head and smiled, and when I went to look back at my plate, I flicked my eyes in Onew's direction, to see him watching me, with a certain intensity in his eyes I wasn't used to seeing and hadn't seen before.

I looked back at my meal and tried to concentrate on eating it and acting natural. I pulled together all my skills I had learnt and sed them to the best of my ability. It wasn't long before our plates were cleared and replaced with desert.

Anne and I cut our deserts exactly in half. I suggested that we eat our half first and then just swap the plates, but she reminded me of my eating speed and then we agreed it was better just to take the half of eachother's plates and set it on our own now.

I was quite relaxed and had hardly any room left in my stomach even after picking at my main course as the starter had managed to fill me up so much. I picked at my desert too, annoyed I couldn't enjoy it all. I excused myself from the table to go to the bathroom. On the way out I checked my lips, and thankfully the red had stayed stained on, but at this point I was over the red and I wiped it off using the small travel size makeup remover wipe I brought with me and put a little tiny bit of concealer on my finger and dabbed it around before kissing the excess of onto a piece of tissue to get my lips to return to their normal colour.

I returned from the restroom to find our table completely empty apart from Anne who had now moved so  she was sitting side on to the boys.

I walked towards her looking curious waiting for her to explain.

"They all decided it was time for them to return home. They were only planning to stay for the meal anyway"

"Oh right, okay." I said, relief evident in my voice. I sat on her right so I had an exuse to trn my back to the bodies that made me cringe so intensly.

I could hear the familiar voices once more, this time it was Taemin's ;

"Hyungs, we should join their table, introduce ourselves" was all I heard before looking at Anne wide-eyed,  catching her attention. She had been concentrating on turning her phone off after breifly checking it.

She turned to look at me as I went to speak, her expression mirroring mine. But her jaw dropped and she  whispered;

"Don't turn around."

"W-what is it?" I said beginning to really panic.

She was looking over my shoulder, as she stood up, took a hold of my wrist and lead me towards the metal stairs. We climbed them, our shoes creating an echo that would normally be excruciatingly loud, but was nothing compared to the music. We went up to  the area, that had a dark mahogany  wood floor, with rustic couches and little side tables with lamps up against the wall. It looked like something you would expect in a vintage coffee shop. The rest of the area was empty with a mini discoball and light set up that was a small version of  the main dance floor, like a private party space. It was so adorable!

We leant against the railing, watching as everybody filed onto the dancefloor. They began to play a familiar tune, projecting the music video of "Everybody" on the wall behind the  stage and on the wall. I got overly excited and Anne and I began to sing along and dance to the song as if our life depended on it. I took my red heels off and replicated the dance at the chorus as that was te only part Anne knew and we danced together at the other parts. I was in too good of a mood to  let anything ruin it.

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