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That is Amelio Cross in the Media above

Snow Slauson

My name is Snow I am a snow bunny aka a white girl I have porcelain skin blue eyes I'm short 5 feet exactly I am 19 years old I live in London with my mother I was born in Wales my father died when I was 2 my mother left us angry at him and he shot himself in the head when my mother came back to retrieve something she left and she found us she moved us to London after that we live in a house we're middle class  I have a best friend she's black we've known each other since we were 4 she's definitely my sister

I'm sitting in the most exclusive club in London my best friend Claire is networking we go practically everywhere together she finally walks back over to me and I say how's it going? She says Great with the fakest smile I've ever seen sarcasm dripping from her voice I say that bad? She says yes I say just sit let's have a drink she says fine she sits and signals over the skanky waitress her outfit leaving little to the imagination she says yes ladies? Claire says a lemon drop for me and she'll have a pink glacier martini I say you remembered she rolls her eyes playfully the waitress writes it down and says I'll be back in a few and she leaves swaying her hips and Claire says don't look now but London's most Eligible Bachelor is looking your way I say stop bluffing she says I'm not I say mhm and brush it off soon she comes back with our drinks and sets them down and leaves us we start talking about random things and drinking her eyes go big as saucers I say what? what? She abruptly stands and says I.im gonna go grab another drink I'm about to question her about why she's acting wierd until our eyes meet and he's gorgeous I'm lost for words he say May I join you? His voice deep and his accent thick I say s.sure he sits across from me and signals the same skanky waiter but this time her eyes are all on him I don't blame her he says get me a scotch and get her another one of those his tone professional and cold she scurries off quickly I say what's your name? He says Amelio Cross I say Snow Slauson he says how old are you Snow? My name's sounds so good coming from him I say 19 and you are? He says 23 and that's when the skank brings our drinks and leaves as quickly as she came and we begin talking and getting to know each other time flies by quickly and it's 2 in the morning and he says I'll take you home if you like I say yeah sure he leads the way out and to a very clean silver Porsche
he opens the door for me and helps me in and he closes the door and gets in on his side and he starts the car and we're off we get to my house fairly quickly and surprisingly he asks for my number and I give it to him and I tell him bye and get out and he makes sure I get in before he speeds away

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