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Amelio Cross

I'm sitting outside her house it's 7 am Friday morning I want to get a headstart on our weekend together soon she comes out her hair up in a messy and a hoodie and shorts she gets in and says hi I say hi she says what brings you so early I say head start she says mhm I say hungry? She says I could eat but nothing to expensive or extravagant I raise a brow she says I don't like the looks I receive from those people I say fuck them don't let them bother you she says it's every time I lift her chin and say look who your with Snow that seems to make her feel a little better I say I have money I want to spend it on you I want to take you to the most exclusive places all over the world regardless of how anyone looks at us she says fine I say good don't bring it up again and I take her to get breakfast

Later that night

I'm waiting sitting at the edge of the bed for her soon she comes and she looks good she  crawls in bed and says come on I say give me a minute she gives me a pouty look I grab the remote and lay with her and she snuggles into me quickly and I find a movie and hold her and she looks so at ease like nothing in the world could disturb or hurt her she has her eyes closed I kiss her cheek and she doesn't open her eyes but she smiles

Saturday Morning

I wake up to a mouth watering smell I get up and go downstairs and she's cooking it catches me by surprise it smells amazing she says sit so I do and she brings me a plate and it looks even better than it smells I say I didn't know you could cook she smiles at me and goes to clean the kitchen I eat and it's delicious she takes my plate and fork when I'm done and she washes it another thing that makes her different we go upstairs and we get ready for the day

Later that night

She's rubbing oil through my beard it's actually nice I don't like women touching my beard let alone me I don't cuddle I don't  date but when I'm with her I feel different like maybe she could be my missing piece I like cuddling her I like when she touches me she's very genuine and sincere she says can I? Can I? Can I? I say fine she goes to get a towel and the stuff she'll need and she wipes my face and she begins putting different masks, creams and jellies After about an hour she smiles and says done I say never again she says yes again and again I wrap my arms around her and she lays on me her face buried in my neck I rub her back and she falls asleep in my arms soon after

Sunday morning

I wake up alone I go look for her and she's outside with my guard dog he growl at everyone she's sitting and petting him and he's loving it I go closer to make sure I'm seeing what I think I'm seeing and it is I say so your making friends with security huh? She smiles and says he's so sweet I say your the first to say that she says what's his name? I say Blitz I convince her to come in after maybe 15 minutes and we shower separately of course I take her to get breakfast and we spend the day together

Later that night

I'm pulling up to her house she says when will I see you? I say Wednesday I see an emotion pass over her face but it leaves as quickly as it came she says okay I say did you want to see me sooner? she says I don't want to push you into anything you don't want to do and she gets out and she goes in and I leave women are so confusing

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