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Snow Cross

Our baby girl is 14 months and she's Amelio's exact look alike she has his pretty black hair I'm putting her in her car seat I'm leaving Amelio for a few weeks he went to jail last night I bailed him out I told him I didn't want him getting arrested he obviously didn't listen so here we are he pulls up and he grabs me and closes her door and he puts me against it and he says your not leaving I say I told you already he says your overreacting I say I'm not he says your not taking her anywhere so You can get her and you guys can go in the house I say you go in the house we're gonna go somewhere he says why? I say to prove to you that I'm not gonna keep taking your shit and letting you walk all over me he says Snow I say No I've been saying it and I haven't did anything you continue to do it so now I'm showing you he says your not taking our fucking daughter from her home you can't just move her from place to place it'll confuse her I say you confuse her when she wakes up and your not there or were picking you up from a goddamn police station please don't talk to me about what confuses our daughter and I slip from under him and I open the door he says I'm serious Snow and he grabs my wrist I say stop you make it like that he says get in the fucking house Snow NOW! his demeanor serious I close it and I grab her out and go in and he follows and he slams the door and she cries and he gives me a pissed off look and grabs her and they go upstairs

He's still mad at me for trying to take her I go to him with a BLT and a glass of scotch and he takes it and I sit in his lap and touch his face and say stop getting put in the police station he says I don't do it on purpose Snow you need to consider that I say and you need to consider not doing things that get you put there he says are you asking me to leave the mob? I say I didn't say that he says I wouldn't I say okay and I get off him and go check on Meli

I'm pissed off I say just go okay? He says really? I say we don't need you go die and I slam the door in his face and Meli cries and I bounce her and kiss her cheek and she holds onto me and I calm her and I change her diaper and dress her warm and take her to our room and I lay down with her and hold my Meli and she falls asleep first and I go to sleep after

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