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Snow Slauson

We've been in Austria a few days and I'm walking along the beach with him he stops and he says I have something for you I say like what? He pulls out a box and it's matching His & Her's watches I say Amelio he says give me your wrist I do and he puts it on and I help him with his he says do you like it I say I love it he says good and he leans down and I grab his face and we kiss and it's deep and passionate

We got back a few days ago I'm sitting with Claire she says I'm not saying I don't like him he's never been rude he always speaks but I am gonna say be careful as long as you don't believe he'll harm you then your alright I say what do you mean? she says I did some digging I say okay she says he's got quite the record I say Claire she says you know I wouldn't say anything if it were little stuff  I wouldn't say anything I say okay she says I'm just gonna come out and say it I think he has mob ties I say Claire she says I'm serious alright? I say I don't wanna hear this she says okay okay just promise you'll be careful I say I'm always careful

I'm sitting across from him I say how was work he says stressful I say maybe I'll give you a massage later he says that would be great I say maybe do your face he gives me this adorable look I say yes yes yes he says maybe I smile and the skanky waitress Lola brings our order and she sets it down her attention all on him I say can you watch what your doing? She gives me a crazy look I say problem? She puts everything down and walks away he says don't let sluts bother you I say so blunt he says It's the truth we eat but not without me stealing bites of his he never says anything

I'm standing in front of him I say Amelio he says No that'll take time away from me I go closer and say I get bored he says fine you wanna work you can work for me I say Amelio he says I'm serious I'll treat you like an employee you'll be my Assistant you'll be in meetings with me keep up with my schedule stuff like that I say fine and he kisses my cheek and I hold onto him

I've been here 2 weeks and Amelio is an ass hole I don't like working for him he's so high maintenance I go into his office and give him the coffee and I say I quit he says you quit? I say yes I don't wanna work anymore He says good dinner tonight? I say  nope and I walk out and I go home and he calls me later that night and I agree to dinner and I get ready he picks me up and we go he says are you spending the night? I say if you want he says I do I haven't been sleeping well I say that's not good he says I'll sleep tonight I kiss his cheek

I'm pissed off my mother's being a bitch she yells I don't want you seeing him I say fuck you and what you want! I'm grown she says you better not leave this goddam house Claire is the only one allowed over and she leaves for her business trip like I'm gonna listen to her I'm NO child soon my phone rings and it's him I answer and say hello he says I miss you I say where are you? He says about 20 minutes away I say come he says I'll be there and we hang up

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