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Snow Slauson

I wake up in his arms I feel safe and tranquil the light shining in through the long curtains I get the sudden urge to pee I strip to slip out of his hold but it's not easy I tap him he doesn't wake up so I start moving and whining and that wakes him he says Snow? I say I gotta pee he lets me go and I go use it and go back to him and his eyes are closed I touch his beard he says what time is it? His voice raspy I look at the clock on the bed side table it reads 10:24 am I say basically 10:30 he holds me and says 15 minutes I say fine and I lay in his embrace

Later that day

We're pulling up to my house he says maybe I can bring you home this weekend I say are you inviting me for a sleepover? He says I am I say maybe and I kiss his cheek and get out and go in and my mother is in the kitchen she says where we're you? I say out she says who's the guy? I say mind your business and I go upstairs and I plop down on my bed and lay back he's so charming

On Wednesday

I'm meeting him for lunch he offered to pick me up but I wasn't home and I didn't want my nosey ass mother in my business she just doesn't know how to stay in her lane I go into the restaurant and I'm underdressed how I know the snobby bitch gives me a disgusted look I plaster on a fake smile and say I'm meeting someone she says whom? And that's when I hear his deep voice say me and I look back and he's there his hands in his dress pants pockets her mouth is hanging open he holds his hand out to me and says shall we? I take his hand and say yes and he leads me upstairs to a table he says I hope you don't mind I ordered I say No of course not he pulls a chair out for me and I sit and he pushes me in and sits across from me and he says wine? I say sure and he pours us both a glass and he gives me one and we drink and talk and after about 15 minutes our food comes and I'm happy with what he chose we eat and talk and the night goes great he drops me off and I kiss his check and he makes sure I get in before he leaves

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