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Snow Slauson

I'm sitting with Claire were in this private club she says you like him? I say I do but he doesn't look like he does relationships she says who's that on his lap I look and it's some red head I shrug and say I'm not gonna let it bother me we don't go together she says alright then let's get fucked up I say No networking? She says No networking she signals the slutty waitress over and orders us 8 shots each and the waitress goes to retrieve it I say we're gonna be drunk she says good thing we caught an Uber I roll my eyes and say your not gonna ditch me again? She say I won't I won't the waitress brings the shots back and me and we throw them back together and she says I have a joint I say seriously? She says seriously so we go to the back and we begin smoking and soon we hear someone say you shouldn't be smoking his voice familiar I say fuck off and he comes into view and he takes it and drops it and steps on it and I say bye and I grab Claire's hand and pull her back to the main part and we sit and we order a drink and we talk about another 5 drinks in and were drunk she says I.im gonna get the Uber I say good idea she orders it and we help each other outside and we wait and we go to my house and we crash

In the morning

I wake up to my phone ringing I grab it without looking at caller id and sleepily say hello? His familiar voice fills my ear and he says hi I say don't call my phone anymore go call the whore you were with last night and I hang up in his face and try to go back to sleep

Hours later

I'm sitting in a cafe with Claire and he comes in and he approaches us and she goes to get us both another muffin he sits across from me I ignore him he says Snow I don't reply he grabs my hand and I pull away and say will you leave me alone? It can be like we never met okay? Just leave me alone he says it's too late for that Snow I say it's not and I stand and go to Claire and we leave

I'm sitting in my room when my mother knocks I say what? She peeks in and says that man with the expensive car is here I say tell him I'm not here she says too late for that Snow he's already inside I say okay she says I'm leaving for my trip to the states I'll see you in a few weeks I say bye she says bye have fun and she leaves It takes me awhile to decide on wether or not I want to speak to him I go down and he's looking at pictures of me as a child I say what do you want? I expressed to you that I didn't want to see you again he says I expressed to you that it was too late for that I say it isn't he says your all I can think about Snow I say it certainly didn't look like that when she was in your lap only god knows how many other women you've been with since then he says none I say I don't believe that but it doesn't matter were not together he says I was trying to get you off my mind I say could you go? He says just fucking listen to me I say No I don't care to hear anything you have to say you didn't care about how I'd feel he says Snow I say it's crazy how one day you can make me feel so safe and wanted and the next you make me feel like nothing you can let yourself out and I go upstairs and slam the door and I slide down against it and I let it out soon my phone rings and I grab it and it's Claire I answer and say Claire she says Snow bear what's wrong I say nothing I'm fine she says your not fine is it him again? I softly say yes she says I'll be there in 15 with icecream snacks and some weed I laugh and say okay maybe you can stay? She says of course and I shower and put on something comfy and she comes and I let her in and she engulfs me in a tight hug and she grabs spoons and we go up to my room and decide on a sitcom and we eat

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