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Amelio Cross

I'm sitting in the living room beside her and her mother's disrespecting me and Snow looks irritated her mom says I want you to divorce him he's dangerous she says are you done? Her mom says he killed Claire she says Okay her mom says are you crazy? She says I just don't care her mom pushes the issue and Snow just doesn't care she asked me a few weeks ago she said I dont want you to lie okay? I say alright she said did you kill Claire? I bluntly said yes I did she said okay and we never spoke about it again her mom raises her hand back and I grab it before she hits her and I twist it behind her back and say what do you want me to do? she says deal with her how you see fit and I take her to my car and put her in the trunk and I take her far out and I execute her and go home and she's cooking I close and lock the door she says are you hungry? I say I am she says sit I do she brings me food and a glass of scotch and she cleans the kitchen and I eat and drink she leaves halfway through when I finish I go upstairs and I shower in the hall and get out go to our room she's coming out in a towel I put on briefs and lay down she puts on underwear and this silk night dress and lays with me she crawls on top of me like she does every night and she snuggles into me her face buried in my neck my arms around her

I'm walking down the street with her my hand on her lower back her hair up in a high bun and this strapless light blue dress she looks gorgeous and this big ass guy bumps into my little woman he's not as tall as me but he's definitely got inches on her I shove him down to the ground and say watch where the fuck your going and I grab her hand and we step over him and we go into the store she says there I grab it and some woman scoffs and says It's the last one I say sounds personal and I lead her to check out and pay and we leave

We're together on the beach her head in my lap the sun's shining were in the Maldives I say you look sleepy she says a little I say let's go in she says carry me I pick her up and carry her in and we shower together I wash our hair rinse it I wash her and myself we rinse off and I carry her to the room and dry her off and slip one of her nighties on and she lays down I put on briefs and lay with her and she sleepily crawls on top of me and snuggles into me and she's out within seconds

Were still in the Maldives I have NO jurisdiction She says your not taking him the cop says step aside ma'am she says I'm gonna give you a chance to walk away he looks amused she says kill him and she goes in and I shoot him twice and follow she's packing I help her and we get out of there I drive I say you know we're not gonna be able to fly she says I know I pull up to these docks and I buy a speed boat off this native guy and we make our way out

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