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Amelio Cross

I'm sitting in my office when my phone rings and I answer and say hello a Doctor says Hello uh are you Mr. Cross? I say I am he says I have your wife I say where are you? He gives me the address and I speed there and go in and I go to the reception desk and the bitch looks at me and she gets a flirty look I say where's Snow Cross? She says and you are? I say Mr Cross she looks it up and says room 324 I rush up there my pretty wife is sitting there she has a cast I say baby? She starts crying and she holds onto me I kiss her head and hold her the doctor walks in and says someone tried to kill her he nods at me I say I'll be back baby we go outside and he says crashed into her just watch her alright? I say alright I sign her out and pick her up and I carry her out
and put her in and get in I start the car and says where we're you? She says i.i was down the street from Claire's I'll show you so she takes me and I look at the street signs and take her home I bathe her and get her in bed and turn on the tv for her and give her the remote she says will you hold me? I say when I get back she says can Blitz come in I say fine I go out and let Blitz in and I bathe him because I know she's gonna wanna cuddle him I dry him and he runs upstairs and I leave and I call the chief of police he answers and says Boss I say I need identities he says who I say well I don't know yet but someone hit my wife with their car trying to kill her so pull up the tapes and find out he says give me an hour I say hurry up and hang up

An hour later

He says Victor Martinez and Juan Juarez I say alright I hang up and call my tec guy and I have him track them he gives me addresses and I find them and I deal with them as I see fit and I go back home and shower and slip on briefs and go out and she's there with Blitz I say Out and he gets out the bed and I lay with her she crawls on me and lays on me literally and I hold her making sure to be careful of her cast she says I love you I say I love you more she says No I say yes she looks at me and says No I say yes she bites my neck and I squeeze her ass and she says don't start anything I say how could I not? She says we could I say we could? She says mhm if you promise to be careful I say I promise baby I undress her quickly and carefully and I lay her down and I give her deep strokes

She's looking up at me pouting I say your not leaving she says then she can come here? I say fine a night she pouts and says 2 nights I say fine but your sleeping with me she smiles and says yes I carry her to the car and we pick Claire up and she gets in and I drive back home she says damn I get out and I open the door for Snow and help her out she gets out of her cast in a couple weeks I help her on the sofa and make sure she's alright and comfortable she says juice would be nice I say orange? She says yes and Claire says me too I say your legs aren't broken and I go to the kitchen and pour her a glass of orange juice and take it to her and I kiss her head and say scream if you need me she says okay and I go upstairs and leave them to their "girl talk"

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