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Snow Cross

It's Sunday and Claire's leaving I'm starting to think she's jealous of me she keeps trying to get me to leave him she's practically saying anything and everything she says Snow I say just leave me alone I don't want to see you for awhile and Amelio comes out of nowhere and says what's wrong? I say nothing he says it's not nothing you just told your so called best friend you don't wanna see her I say I just don't need negative people he says meaning? I say meaning she keeps trying to ruin our relationship he says I'll take her home I say okay and I walk out and go upstairs and he comes home afterwards

3 weeks later

I'm getting my cast removed he's been by my side every step of the way they cut it off and he helps me move my arm back and forth the door says youll need to do that twice a day for 2 weeks don't do too much I nod and Amelio takes me home and we watch tv in the living room as Im skipping through channels and I see Claire on the news I say baby Claire's dead he says it was a matter of time she was wild I softly say yeah and we decide on a movie

I'm naked I refuse to get dressed he isn't necessarily complaining he says we have a flight Snow I say so he says get your pretty little ass upstairs and get ready to go you can refuse to get dressed when we get to where were going I say promise? He says I promise and I go upstairs and get ready as he takes our things to the car

I'm standing in the penthouse of our hotel room we're gonna be here a few weeks I undress and say I'm not wearing clothes anymore he says such a tease I say nu uh he says yuh huh and he leans down and kisses my lips and I return it gently and I moan into it and he picks me up and you know what happens

I'm snuggled into him he doesn't wanna get out of bed I say are you sick? He says No I just want to stay here with you and cuddle I smile and I say cuddle? He says hush I say the big mean man likes to cuddle he says only with you that's it I kiss his lips and he returns it and we begin making out and we pull away and he slides me down on him and I gasp and he moves me on him and he feels so good my moans soft he moans let me hear you baby my moans get louder and louder until he's pounding me and I'm so close to cumming him moaning not making it any better he's so sexy he begins rubbing my clit quickly and I whimper creaming uncontrollably he groans as he fills me up I bury my face in his neck and I begin moving on him and he moves with .e and we go for hours

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