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Amelio Cross

I'm awoken to the smell of breakfast this woman is unbelievable she cooks me dinner and then breakfast I get up and go to her I say dinner and breakfast? She says yes I kiss the back of her neck she says sit down I say mhm and I go to  sit and she brings it to me with apple juice and she cleans the kitchen

3 weeks later

She's not talking to me at all I'm sitting in a club watching her she looks stunning no heels or dress she's with Claire as always their talking soon they get up and I follow I'm not gonna say she's a bad influence let's just say some things Snow wouldn't do if it weren't for Claire Snow says here and she gives it to Claire and Claire says you need to learn to roll and Snow says I have you too roll duh I say you don't need to smoke and she says and you don't need to be talking to me Claire rolls and I allow them to smoke half and I take it from her and trash it and she gives me a look and they walk away and I follow and I grab her wrist and Claire says I'll be up there and she leaves us alone I say I apologize she dismissively says okay I say look at me while you ignore me she looks at me and says I don't want to see you anymore I say why? She says I don't want to get my feeling hurt you don't want to be with me so stop bothering me and she goes up and I follow and she grabs Claire and they leave and I get in my car and go home

I'm sitting outside her house she's talking to some guy out front he's obviously flirting with her I get out and approach them she says bye Scott I say bye Scott he says bye Snow and he walks away I say so you wanna see other people she says he's a friend not that I have to explain myself to you were not together I say watch it she says No just leave me alone I grab her before she can walk away and I pull her to my car and put her in and I get in and start driving she says this is kidnap I say it isn't you didn't fight me you didn't say No so she says I don't see the point I say it's not like I see other women she says it doesn't matter Amelio it's the principle I say It goes without saying right? She says I want you to clarify it and you won't Amelio I say does it matter? She says it does I say fine your my girlfriend Snow alright? She says really? I say really she says fine

I'm standing in my jeweler picking up the Custom His & Her's watches I ordered (watches in media above) he puts them in a bag and I pay and leave I go to pick her up from Claire's were going to Austria for a week she's excited I pull in the driveway and call her and she answer's and says I'm coming and she comes soon after and gets in and I say ready? She says mhm I drive to my private airport and we board my jet and she lays her head on me I say I knew you'd be sleepy she says I want to be held so I can sleep I say wait till we get in the air soon we take off and were in the air we unbuckle and go to the jet bedroom and we get comfortable and lay together and she crawls on me and she gets comfortable and we go to sleep

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