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Amelio Cross

It's been a few days since I seen that gorgeous snow bunny her beautiful porcelain skin she's absolutely exquisite I decide to text her "Hello ~Amelio" she texts back within seconds "so formal ~Snow" I reply with "do you have plans? ~Amelio" she replies with " Not that I know of ~Snow" I reply with "Good get ready I'll be there to get you in 45 and dress formal ~Amelio" and I lock my phone and head to the shower I take 20 minutes and I pick out a suit, tie, watch and dress shoes and I get dressed style my hair and head to my car garage and I pick my red Aston Martin it matches my tie I get in and start it and I speed out and down my driveway and out the black steel gates I am Amelio Cross I am the most successful Billionaire in Europe I own several hotels, clubs and restaurant's through out Europe, North America, South America and Asia I have mafia ties I am the Boss of the European Mafia I stop by Starbucks I get a black coffee and decide to get her a blueberry muffin and a caramel frappe and I make my way to her neighborhood soon I pull up to the brown house and I park and I call her and she answers I say come on she says I'm coming after maybe 5 minutes she comes out in this red dress her hair up in a low bun she's looks stunning she gets in and I give the muffin to her and she says how'd you know I liked blueberry I shrug and start driving she says where are we going? I say just sit back and enjoy the ride she says will you atleast tell me how long we'll be in the car? I say 2 hours she gets this pouty look she's adorable we get to the restaurant after 2 hours and I help her out and she thanks me softly I close the door and lead her in she says wow I grab her hand and take her to the elevator and we step in and I put my key in and turn it and it takes us to the top floor my private floor I lead her out and she's in awe I say drink? She says sure I say make yourself comfortable and I walk over to the kitchen and I grab a bottle out of my wine chiller and two glasses and I go back to her and pop the bottle open and pour us both a glass and I give the glass to her and she takes it I say what do you wanna eat? she says you decide I say alright and I pick up the phone and I order her shrimp fettuccini and myself spaghetti and we talk and it comes after about an hour we eat together and she's a breath of fresh air the night goes by quickly and 1:30 hits fast and I say do you want to stay until the morning she says sure so I lead her to the room and she goes to shower and she comes out after an hour in a towel I give her something to wear and I go to shower and I slip on briefs and sweat pants and I'm about to leave until she softly says stay so I lay with her and she puts my arm around her and she snuggles into me I say your alright? She hums in response and soon I hear her light snores and I fall asleep soon after

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