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Snow Cross

I'm looking up at him he's holding me I say you want to try for a baby? He says I do I say okay he says yea? I say yes and we kiss and I schedule an appointment for Thursday

On Thursday

We're driving home from the appointment I am officially off birth control he says do you want to start when we get home I say sure we get there fairly quickly and he helps me out and we go in and we walk down the hall and into our room and we undress eachother and we begin kissing and one thing leads to another and were making love

2 weeks later

I'm standing in the bathroom the door locked he's banging on it he says open the door Snow I say just wait he says what are you hiding? I hear the time ding and I pick all 5 of them up and they all the same thing positive and that's when he bursts in breaking the door I say I'm pregnant he says really? He grabs them and he looks happy he kisses me and I return it he picks me up and I let him take me

2 months later

I'm snuggled into him I've been feeling morning sickness it sucks he's rubbing my back he says are you hungry? I say a little he orders take out and he feeds me and I eat and when we finish he takes it downstairs and comes back

A few months

I'm showing quite a bit we found out it's a girl he's feeling on my bump and she kicks and he pulls me closer and he talks to her and he's so adorable he pulls my shirt down and he pulls me in his lap and he holds me and I hold onto him and we stay like that for awhile in a comfortable silence

I'm pissed off Im in the car it's 4 in the morning I'm going to pick up my husband from the police station wrong place wrong time he called me at 3 and he said he ran into some trouble and their about to arrest him and he told me where to get the money and he said he'd explain when I got to the police station I pull up and park and I grab the bag and I turn off the car take it out the ignition and I get out and go in and I see him sitting I say I'm here for him the deputy says ah Mrs. Cross long time no see I pay his bail and they let him out and we go to the car and I give him the keys and get in the passenger's seat and he gets in and he starts it I say explain he says I was pulled over I say with? He lowly says 100 kilos of cocaine I look at him and say really? He says Don't start I say your so irresponsible sometimes he says always careful I say it's not just you that you have to worry about he says I know Snow it was unexpected I say obviously he begins driving and he stops by a 24 hour bakery and he says I know you want something I say fine and he gets out and helps me out and we go in and we order a half and half cake icecream cake and we wait in the parking lot he goes to get it and comes back and we go home and we eat it together

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