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Amelio Cross

She's in front of me naked I'm painting her I've been working on it for about a week she says Amelio I say I'm almost done baby she softly says okay after about 30 minutes I finish and I turn it to her and her face lights up she says I love it I say really? She says yes I want it in our room I say where? She pulls me upstairs and too our room and she points and it's where she'll see it everyday I say alright

We're in the snow being hunted she's not crying she's pissed off she says why don't you just shoot them? I say no gun no shooting Snow she says ironic isn't it? I'm gonna die in the snow I say we won't they will I'm not dying at 28 with no kids she says you want children? I say you don't? She says I didn't say that I say do you? She says maybe I say a son she says or daughter I say daughter? She says yes we could name her Amelia I say maybe and that's when I hear these dummies talking I pick my baby up and I carry her away and hide her and Kick their ass grab a gun and I shoot them both dead and grab the keys off their dead bodies and I get my princess and we get out of their

She slapped me I can tell were both surprised she says I'm sorry I say it's not okay but I wouldn't hit you she pulls me down and she holds my face and she says I'm sorry I hit you her tone sincere I kiss her lips and she returns it and I pick her up and we make out and let's just say we have rough make up sex

She's snuggled into me heavily and I'm loving it until I hear a knock I say I'll be back it's probably the pizza she whines and let's me go I open it and pay him and he gives it to me and my mother walks up I say yes? She says your brother's dead I say what? She points a gun at me and says go in I start walking I yell run baby run and she does and my mother hits me and we come to the living room and I see my wife and she empties the clip in my mother and she drops it and I rush to her and I hold her tight and she begins crying I say your okay your okay I pick her up and carry her upstairs and I console her until she feels better she sniffles I kiss her lips and say your alright she holds onto me after awhile I get us dressed and packed she says i want to take it so I grab the painting and put everything in the car and I drive I have my men clean the house and put it on the market she had her first kill I call around get us a house and drive their we unpack

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