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Amelio Cross

She's 6 months old and she's such a sweet baby she's looking MORE and MORE like me everyday she has her mother's eyes but the rest is all me I'm walking in she's sitting in her chair her mommy feeding her baby food she squeals when she sees me and she claps I say hi princess I kiss her head and Snow says would you like to feed her? I say I'd love to she gives it to me and says little by little you give her to much and she likes to spit it out and she looks down at her as she says it and our little baby smiles I feed her and she eats and I get her out and take her upstairs and I bathe her clean her face and hand wash her little hair and I wrap her in a towel and carry her to her room and I put her diaper on and her onesie and carry her downstairs and Snow's washing  meli's dishes I say can she sleep with us tonight Snow smiles and says sleeping with the baby Meli claps we go upstairs and I give Meli to Snow and she says dada I say I'll be back okay? She lays on Snow and I go
Shower and I put on briefs and sweats and I lay with them and Meli reaches for me and I take her and I pull Snow closer she lays on me and I hold my wife she looks tired we watch Scooby Doo until both of my girls are knocked out and I turn on a movie

Were leaving the police station she's in the backseat with Meli I say Snow she says I'm not talking about it in front of Meli I drive us home and park and she gets her out and carries her in and I follow and I grab Meli and put her in her rocker and turn it on and I grab Snow and pull her to the side and I say talk to me she pushes me and says you were in fucking jail like why must she see you like that I grab her and say I don't fucking control life she says your irresponsible your a father Amelio act like it I say don't do that she says I'm not gonna keep doing this with you I say doing what Snow she says your a bad influence I say she won't even fucking remember she says maybe years from now she won't but in that moment she does and she pushes me off her and goes upstairs and I go to Meli she holds her arms up and says dadada I pick her up and I take her to the kitchen and I warm her bottle and sit on the sofa and I feed and she falls asleep on me fairly quickly and I carry her upstairs and to her room and I go shower and lay in our bed and I pull her to me she says move I say No she says stop I say this is the first time since she's been born she says and it better be the last I say Snow she says goodnight and I hold her she kind of lets me and we go to sleep

4 months later

I'm holding our munchkin she's holding my finger she's being fussy with her mommy I say be good alright? She pouts I say I'm serious little girl she's only 10 months old and has a little attitude I say give me kiss she kisses my nose and I sit her in her bouncer and she bounces and I go to Snow and say almost 7 years what are we doing? She says You tell me I say me and you she says yes I say I'll find somewhere for our princess she says somewhere safe I say yes

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