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Snow Slauson

We're visiting his family we drove up to his parents cabin from the airport it's snowing their already here he says if you ever get uncomfortable we can leave and we get out and go in and his brother Amel says Snow White I roll my eyes playfully and say grumpy I hug him and my oh so mean husband offers him a handshake but Amel hugs him instead and Amelio stands there I didn't know he didn't like to be touched Amel says your so unaffectionate I say No he's so sweet when he wants to be Amel says I'll believe it when I see it we all go in the kitchen and their mom is baking she's so nice she hugs me tight and says hi I say hi she says your staying here right? I look up at him he says maybe she says okay we talk for a little and he pulls me upstairs and into a room and he closes the door and he puts me against it and he leans down and kisses my lips and I return it soon we pull away and he says Can I fuck you? I say yes he undresses me and himself and I get on all fours on the bed and he slides into me from behind and I feel him deep in my guts he begins moving in and out and I move on him meeting him thrust for thrust he fucks me roughly our moans and skin smacking filling the room he moans cum for me baby he give a few more thrusts and I grip the sheets squirting all over his cock he buries himself deep inside me and he fills me up and he keeps going

I'm sleep in his arms when I hear knocking I shake him he groans I say the door baby and I hold onto him he pulls me closer and he says go away loud enough for the person on the other side to hear Amel says mom wants to go skiing he ignores him so I do to and we go back to sleep for after a few hours I wake up and he's coming out of the connected bathroom in nothing but a towel I say hi baby he says hi beautiful and we hear a knock and he rolls his eyes and says their like children I say get rid of him he puts on briefs and he opens the door a little and he says get the fuck away from my door Amel says fine and he goes and Amelio closes the door and he comes to me and he puts my hair up and he says do you want to- I say yes and I kiss him and he returns it and we make love

We're leaving his mother hugs me and him he just stands there with his hands at his side I give him a look she says your so unaffectionate he says yeah see you later and he grabs my hand and takes me to the car and he helps me in and he gets in and he starts the car I say why do you just stand there when they hug you he says I'm not an affectionate person Snow I say you let me touch you he says I do but I don't like to be touched I say then I won't touch you and I get out and get in the back seat and he says really? I don't say anything he starts it and drives we get to the airport I get out without his help and we walk onto the plane and I sit away from him and the plane takes off and we settle in the he unbuckles and comes to me and he says stop I don't reply he grabs my hand and I pull away and say you don't like to be touched he says Snow I say can you leave me alone? He says I want to sleep it's a 12 hour flight I say go sleep he says I want to sleep with my wife I say sleep alone isn't that how you prefer to sleep? He says your childish and he walks away I get comfortable and I try to go to sleep it takes awhile but I eventually do

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