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Snow Cross

I'm angry at him and I'm not cooking him dinner and I'm not sleeping with him I'm sitting on the sofa and he walks in and he says where's dinner? I say wherever you want it to be he closes and locks the door and goes upstairs and I continue watching my scary movie he comes after 30 minutes and he sits by me and he says what's your problem Snow? I say If you don't remember then you don't deserve to know he says you didn't make dinner I say I'm not your maid and I stand and I walk away and find a room and I go in and close and lock it and I lay down and he comes to the door and he says talk to me I say No all your worried about is your dinner he says open the door I say No he says open the door Snow I get up and I open it and he looks down at me and says talk I say you should remember he says are you talking about last night when I didn't come home for dinner I say you'd rather eat elsewhere he says baby I say don't baby me you ate some bitch's food and I push past him and go upstairs and he follows and says it was one time I say I won't be cooking anymore you don't appreciate me and I close the door in his face and lay down and he comes in after a few hours and he attempted to cook and he gives it to me I say Amelio he says I love you I say I love you too and I look down and the man can't cook to save his life I grab his hand and take him downstairs I say what do you want he says pasta so I make him shrimp pasta and he eats and I clean the kitchen

I'm ready to kill this bitch I'll shoot this bitch right now she's claiming she slept with Amelio I don't believe it she's really irritating me he walks up and he walks right past her without a glance I close the door in her face and I go to him and I say who's she? He shrugs and says you tell me I say I'm gonna leave he sits his glass down and says your not leaving this house I say No that whore just accused you of fathering her child your not home during the day and sometimes you don't come home til 1 in the morning I don't know what to believe he says I didn't fuck her I say prove it and I go upstairs and I begin packing and he tries to stop me he grabs it I say stop he says I'm not playing with you I say stop it he pulls me close to him and makes me look at him and he says I've never met her ever Snow I look into his eyes and I say okay he leans down and he kisses my lips and I return it

Months later

I'm sitting in his lap he's brushing my hair I'm in his shirt and panties he's in briefs were in Hawaii we've been here about a week he finishes and puts it in a low ponytail and he kisses my shoulder and says done I lean into him and he holds me I close my eyes he begins kissing and sucking on my neck and I tilt my head and he continues I feel him slip off my panties and he slips a finger in me and he moves it in and out at a fast pace soon he adds another moving them in and out with ease he whispers in my ear tell me what you want I say I.i he starts to slow down I moan I.i want you and he speeds back up and minutes pass and my eyes roll back as I coat his fingers in my cream slips them out and my eyes flutter open and he's licking them clean I'd be lying if I said it didn't turn me on more I say kiss me and he does we begin making out and I pull on his briefs he takes them off for me and he puts his thick tip at my entrance and he slides into me without warning and I hold onto him as he makes me feel good

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