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Snow Cross

I'm sitting with Claire I say I married him she says when?! I say a few days ago she says did you tell your mother? I say I did she says how'd she take it? I say horribly she hates him you know that and she's only met him twice in 2 years she squeezes me tight and says I'm happy for you don't let her ruin your happiness I say I won't she grabs my hand and says damn girl that's not a diamond that's a fucking rock I roll my eyes playfully she says your spending the weekend I say yes she says I'm surprised he agreed I say well he's going out of town and it's not somewhere he's willing to take me so here I am she says great and we talk for hours

I'm on the phone with Amelio he says what are you doing? I say talking to you what are you doing? He says talking to you and I'm getting ready for a meeting I say sounds boring he says I like being rich so I deal with it I say do you like the people? he says No everyone's a snob I say when are you coming home he says tonight if you like I'll pick you up tonight I say yes he says good maybe we can get pizza or something I smile and say pizza? He says yes it's one of your favorite things I say I do love pizza he says we can get it from that place you like I say It's a date we talk a little and I let him get to his meeting and Claire comes in and says why don't you cook for us? I say sure what do you want? She says let's go to the store and she grabs her keys and we get in her car and go to the store

Later that night

I'm watching tv when he calls and I answer and I say hello he says I'm outside my love I say I'm coming and I hang up and I grab my stuff and hug Claire bye and I go outside and get in and I say hi he says hi he drives and we get home and he helps me out and we go in and I get him a glass of scotch and go upstairs he sitting on the edge of the bed I give it to him he says you remembered the ice I say I did and I go to shower and I get out after 20 minutes or so and put on my robe and go out he's watching boxing I sit in his lap and he holds me I say I'm ready he says Are you sure? I say yes he begins kissing and sucking on my neck one thing leads to another and I give him my innocence and he makes me feel things I've never felt before

A few hours later

We finished maybe 20 minutes ago we showered together for the first time he changed the sheets and now He's holding me he says good? I say perfect and I bury my face in his neck I fall asleep fairly quickly

I'm looking at him he says I'm serious I say I know he says don't I stand and go upstairs he's a jealous man and he has quite the temper never with me but it's there I lay down and he comes after a few hours and he comes to me and he lays on me and I hold him he doesn't say anything he closes his eyes and soon he's sleep and I kiss his nose

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