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Amelio Cross

I'm sitting in my car outside her house trying to decide wether or not if I wanna knock she's upset I can see that I hurt her feelings I get out and I knock and her friend answers it she says she doesn't wanna see you I say I don't care I want to see her she gives me a warning look and let's me in and says upstairs and I go up there and she says Claire? I say No her demeanor goes from happy to angry in seconds I say Snow she says go I say not until you talk to me and I approach her cautiously and I grab her hands and she pulls away from me I say I'm sorry alright? I started to feel things for you things I've never felt for anyone and it scared me and I figured if I got someone to distract me maybe I wouldn't feel it but I still felt it I didn't mean to hurt you your always sincere you've never asked me for anything you cooked that was a first for me but I liked it I like holding you especially when we're about to go to sleep together I even like it when you put that shit on my face she says Amelio I say I'm serious Snow I want to see you I wanna make you smile and laugh and I wanna see you playing with my guard dog she hugs me tight and I hold her and her friend comes in and says great you made up cause I hated seeing you cry I hold her tight

I'm waiting outside she's coming out she gets in and he jumps up from the backseat she screams Blitz! and she hugs him and pets him I say he just got back from being groomed I figured we'd surprise you she smiles and says he looks so good I say flirting with my dog huh? She says I only flirt with you I kiss her cheek and begin driving I say beach? She says sure and hes sitting on the floor his head in her lap she's rubbing him gently he's loving it I drive to my favorite beach the waters clear and see through it's a beautiful site I pull up and park and get out and open her door he hops out and I help her out and close the door and we walk down to the sand hand in hand Blitz trailing not to far behind I take her to a more secluded part I say it's better if their's no kids around she looks up at me and says why? Do you not like kids? I say it's not that I just want to try some she says like what I put my hands on her waist and bring her closer and I lean down and kiss her lips and she returns it and it's intense our lips move together in sync we pull away after a few minutes and she's as red as a tomato it's adorable I love the way she reacts to me

I'm sitting in the car she's beside me I say I'm taking you too Mongolia calls for a new wardrobe I hold my black card out to her and she says Amelio I say take it she hesitantly does and I say I'll pick you up in a few hours alright? She says okay and she gets out and I watch her go in and I leave to go handle business

A few hours later

She comes out her hair and nails done she looks gorgeous her hands full of bags I get out and take it from her I help her in and get in she says never again I say I ordered you the full package she says your a man do you get waxed? I say I can't say I do she says then shush I kiss her lips and she returns it passionately as always it gets heated and we pull away and I drive I say did you want me to drop you to Claire? I figured since we'll be gone 2 weeks you'd want to spend the night she says yes I stop and pick her up something to eat and give it to her she says You didn't have too I say your my responsibility I did I get to Claire's house quickly and she kisses me it's short and sweet I say that's all? She smiles and grabs my face and she gives me a proper kiss and she's red as always I say I'll take it home I gotta pick you up luggage anyway she says pick something pretty I say I'll facetime you she says deal and she gets out and I make sure she gets in and I leave

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